Minneapolis Board of Education

Tuesday, March 14, 2023
5:30 p.m. CDT

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  • The board heard a lengthy report on the budget process followed by a lengthy discussion on the budget.
    • In recent months, the district was presented with a “pro-forma” review that estimated the district could face a half billion dollar deficit by 2028. Ibrahima Diop, the district’s senior finance officer, said that the district’s expectations of revenue have increased by $27 million since the pro-forma was presented.
    • The 2023-24 budget shows an increase of $45 million over this year. The total budget is about $670 million. He said a first reading of the total budget for next year will be presented to the board in May.
  • A report from a senior staffer said the percentage of students in the district reaching growth targets in the last five years was declining. The trend is continuing this year. She said the district needs to talk about new strategies.

Without discussion, the board also approved:

  • Creating an advisory committee to review the student board representative program
  • Updating the district’s policy on disenrolling students after 14 days of absence to be more in line with state law
  • Authorizing staff to negotiate a contract with payment up to $1.5 million to Carahsoft for cybersecurity


Edited and summarized by the Minneapolis - MN Documenters Team

Note-taking by Al Zdon


By Jackie Renzetti 3/14/2023