The top five candidates for Detroit Chief of Police will be interviewed at the next regular meeting of the board, on Jan. 30 at 3 p.m. The list includes current Interim Chief Todd Bettison and candidates from Kalamazoo, Chicago, Denver and Lamar, CO.
Afternoon! I’ll be live-posting today’s Detroit Board of Police Commissioners meeting for
media partners:
01:47 PM Jan 23, 2025 CST
The meeting starts at 3 pm. Watch along with me:
Meeting called to order (again) at 3:01 pm. Commissioner Presley handles the invocation, prays for “spirit of order.”
There is not a quorum, so they move into the secretary’s report.
Weekly inventory report for Office of Chief Investigator. Next board meeting Jan 30, 3 pm. Next community meeting Th Feb 13th at 6:30 pm.
First speaker says police came to her house saying she was trespassing, which she denies. Says people came to intimidate her, and she got letters in the mail about it. She made a police complaint and calls weren’t returned. When she calls the station, she doesn’t get return calls.
They ask which precinct. Answer: 7th. Says they’ll get her number after the meeting and call her. Also say there’s an investigator in the room who will follow up. They also ask the name of the investigator who failed to follow up with her.
Roll call:
Present: Woods, Smith, Banks, Bell, Presley, Dewaelsche
Excused: Burton, Carter, Moore, Hernandez
Quorum established.
Reading of staff present.
Move for the interview of 5 candidates for Chief of Police. Next week: January 30, 3 pm. Candidates are current interim chief, Denver Chief of Police and Emergency Meeting, Retired chief of Police from Kalamazoo, Commander of Chicago Police Dept and Chief of Police Lamar CO.
“Strike all of that” to address in new business.
Resolution to honor Captain Jamar Rickett. Resolution passed.
Resolution honoring Detective Viera Brownlee. Resolution passed.
Resolution honoring Corporal John Hall. Resolution passed.
Captain Jamar Rickett presented. Thanks the board and citizens of Detroit.
Chief of Police report. Homicides down 13% (8 last year to date, 7 this year). Robberies down 2% (59 to 58). Carjackings down 25% (8 to 6). Nonfatal shooting increase (29 to 32). Uptick in mental health calls. All types of mental health calls: 889 to date (745 this time last year).
Narcotics overdoses: 230 (down from 232).
Significant incidents: Triple shooting, 1/15 at 10:30, 10000 block of Ferguson. 1 victim deceased, 2 victims treated at hospital (serious and critical condition).
Fatal shooting, 1/16, 7:20 pm, 10000 block W 8 Mile. Suspect (boyfriend of victim) arrested and arraigned on 3 charges include homicide first degree.
Officer involved shooting 1/18, just before midnight. West 7 Mile and 4. Officer stopped males with “youthful appearance” after curfew. One was wearing a ski mask and walked away from officer. Found to be armed with assault rifle. Shots fired at juvenile suspect, currently in serious condition.
1/21 2:25 pm, McNamara Federal Building. Federal officers had arrested a suspect who fired several rounds in the air and threw weapon on street. Individual has a “documented history of mental illness” and was under order not to own a firearm.
4th precinct conducted Coffee with a Cop.
11st precinct event for Corporal Stephen Jackson retirement.
Tomorrow 10:30 am, 39 student police officers graduating.
Commissioner Banks honors Vice Chair Liberty and Commissioner Dewaelsche. Brings up the case of Jermaine McKnight, who was killed in a shooting. Says shooting had many witness and Prosecutor Worthy denied the warrant. He was released in 3 days. Families wants to know why.
Commissioner Pressley: we used to get shot spotters report, facial recognition report, but they haven’t been in the packets for at least several months.
Answer: they will be included in the future, not sure where the disconnect is.
Another commissioner says they asked about these reports last week, and Commander Pierce says there’s a glitch that has affected producing the reports for several months or a year.
Commissioner says the dept is mandated to provide those reports, so they expect them “expeditiously” - hopefully tmrw.
“Several families” have said they are not getting communication from DPD to follow up on cases. This was discussed at the transition of the chief for improvement.
Onto oral communications. 4 speakers, one already spoke.
2nd: minister states he believes most officers on honest, hardworking. But “how we don’t deal with the bad ones…makes this whole situation very dangerous.” Asks for a moment of silence for honest officers. Points out Jan 6 pardons.
“I don’t know what (chairperson) is trying to do…but it’s not protecting the citizens.” Any dept could’ve done the resolutions. Shotspotter and facial recognition stopped because “embarrassing.”
“Facial recognition does nothing but catch black men. Shot spotter collects thousands of shots and very little evidence.”
Receiving pushback from the commission about the commission’s role. “Take a look at our dashboard and judge us on that”
3rd: To Chair Bell. Comments on accountability. Says officers are in facilities for homeless and receiving housing vouchers. “So quick to talk about mental illness” but they give badges to corrupt officers “who should get psych evals”. Mentions one antagonizing, threatening her.
Commissioner asks if anyone has ever looked into her situation, since she complains about this regularly. “She has filed numerous citizen complaints, and they have been answered”
4th: On 1/16, commissioners acted like they didn’t know 2nd precinct doesn’t have a commander. They’ve had 7 commanders, and Commander Ryan Connor does not want to be in 2nd. Does not attend their meetings or introduce himself.
Some pushback “I’ve seen Commander Connor in the 2nd precinct extremely visible.”
Now moving into Zoom speakers.
Thanks Chair Woods and Commissioner Moore for contacting commander. Says he’ll be at the next meeting, and will help 2nd precinct.
Next speaker: Kenisha Coleman case. Talked to two homicide investigators, one hung up when he said there was a 7.5-10 min time period where individual was dropped at employer. Indicate there was a phone call that she was shot. Says there doesn’t appear to be any phone call.
Next: On Monday, Michigan NAN presented Martin Luther King Dreamkeeper Award, including to interim chief. Need to be proactive, recognize outstanding individuals, and individuals and companies “not going good work.” Encourages more community meetings.
Next: Founder of Detroit Residents Advancing Civilian Oversight. Wants something codified for more transparency for body worn video and other DPD surveillance. Addresses “continued” matter of officer involved shootings, mentions Butler. Asks why suspicious deaths are not being investigated (Coleman)
Moving to unfinished business.
Move to closed session to consider admin leave without pay for Donovan Donahue.
Called back to order. Motion to follow recommendation to suspend Donahue without pay.
“This is a case that is pending in criminal court”
“That is privileged information”
Bernard says suspension without pay with benefits is “draconian.” Says they should wait until addressed “in another form”
She says “This matter was, as I understand, charged - ” she is cut off. She says “any charge in the State of Michigan is public information.” They say it is confidential. She says you can look it up online. Lots of “Order” “Out of order” “I’m not out of order”
They consult the attorney.
Attorney says “whatever is brought up in closed session cannot be brought up in open session.” Bernard says she understands. She says they do not have the right to suspend “without anything other than a memorandum from the department.” She keeps mentioning the effects on his family.
Commissioners going back and forth. Calling it “personal.”
Roll call:
Yes: Smith, Banks, Bell, Presley, Dewaelsche, Woods
No: Bernard
Moving back into closed section to receive “legal advice.”
Back into open session. Motion carried to postpone New Business A until next meeting.
TJA Staffing Inc, contracting company, has come up with 5 candidates for chief position. Motion carried for the five candidates to be interviewed. Candidates will be interviewed next meeting 1/30 at 3 pm.
New business: re the 32 officers taken off the streets due to not being certified. “We know that lies on Director Patillo” and asks for disciplinary action or suspension.
Says it’s an open investigation, and it’s not determined that she’s the person responsible.
He apologizes.
Bernard says this type of “massive miscalculation” is not excusable. Says HR is responsible because HR hires.
Answers by saying they weren’t hiring, they were coming back. “Some of this predates her.” Says there’s “different nuances” three times.
Bernard wants to discussion it further. Now commissioners are going back and forth about who has the floor. Presley cuts her off and motions to adjourn. Multiple talking over each other. Motion carried. You can hear Bernard say “nonsense” before the audio is cut off.
Meeting adjourned at 4:58 p.m. This concludes the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for Jan 30, 2025. For more meeting coverage, check out