Live reporting by
Kevin Pearson
Meeting attendees discussed potential ways to improve communication over special events as well as service reimbursements.
Kevin Pearson
Hello, my name is Kevin Pearson. I will be tweeting for the November 8th Chicago city council budget hearing. @CHIdocumenters
10:32 AM Nov 8, 2024 CST
Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Services presented their budget needs.
Alder Brendan Reilly @AldReilly question DCASE on city reimbursement on services provided for special events. “ We have a duty to pass a budget, the budget that the Mayor has know will not past”.
@AldReilly Alder Matthew O’Shea said the City and DCASE should improve communication on dates of events.
@AldReilly Alder Raymond Lopez expressed concern about the online permit application.……
@AldReilly Several Alderpersons requested list from DCASE related to past permits, police overtime, and parking.
@AldReilly Alder Monique Scott questioned DCASE on how much more revenue Chicago can gain from the film industry. She also compared Chicago to Georgia’s film industry revenue.
@AldReilly Alder Jeanette Taylor said that the filming of Showtimes “The Chi” which is filmed in her ward doesn’t benefit the local economy.
@AldReilly Alder Taylor also said that film crews are often late when posting no parking signs in her ward, and are rude to members in the community.……
@AldReilly Alder Reilly suggested that DCASE create a relationship with Liverpool soccer league in order to increase revenue using Soldiers Field.