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Live reporting by Maureen Dunne
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Resolutions passed, discussions regarding TIF transparency, alderpeople need more time to review ComED

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Mayor Lightfoot calls the meeting to order at 10:04. With 33 members present, quorum is met and the meeting may proceed. Public comment begins.

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The first comment comes from a member of the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America in support of the municipalization and democratization of ComEd and support for all Chicago DSA candidates up for re-election to City Council.

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Another commenter calls in to urge the City Council to preserve and landmark Catholic Churches shuttered by the archdiocese. The following commenter advocated to landmark St. Adalbert’s church in Pilsen to prevent its sale to a developer.

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The council moves to hear 3 resolutions: honoring former alderperson Shirley Newsome, the retirement of former alderperson and state representative Greg Harris and Black History Month.

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“It is upon this council to deliver on the promises of equity and justice for all,” Alderperson Sigcho-Lopez said in his comment of support of the Council’s recognition of Black History Month.

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Mayor Lightfoot closes out the comments on the Black History Month resolution with a lyric from a James Brown song: “Say it loud - I’m Black and I’m proud.” With no objections, the Black History Month resolution is adopted.

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At 12:20 p.m., the meeting moves into the communications portion, in which City Clerk Anna Valencia reads new legislative proposals into the record. Most are referred to committees. The council is then presented with committee updates.

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Chairman of the Committee on Finance, Alder. Scott Waguespack, introduces the following communications for vote in the entire council. Alder. Raymond Lopez opposed item 11, which would give TIF funding to development of a theatre in the North Side’s 40th ward.

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40th ward Alderperson Andre Vasquez responds, recognizing issues of transparency in the TIF system but supporting the allocation to the theater in his ward.

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The Committee on Finance concludes its update with no further objections.

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Alderperson Pat Dowell updates the council on Budget and Government Operations with no objections. No objections are heard on the Committee on Ethics and Government Oversight.

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The Committee on Public Safety passed an ordinance strengthening laws “to protect our first responders” in light of rising attacks against paramedics, according to Alderperson and sponsor Matt O’Shea. He insists this ordinance be used only for first responders.

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Alderman Anthony Napolitano touts support from firefighters unions. Alderperson Sposato advocates for expanding this to “all workers in uniform.”

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Alder Debra Silverstein (50th) comments following the Committee on Public Safety. She says residents of her ward are concerned with crime and “afraid to go outside.” She waves a thick manila folder of statements from her constituents about crime to give to Mayor Lightfoot.

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The Mayor encourages her to get to know and work with the police commanders in her ward.

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The Committee on Transportation and the Public Way holds a vote to vacate public roads and alleys for the expansion of Norfolk Southern Railroad in Englewood.

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“The fact that Norfolk Southern was built off the backs of slaves but won’t give the smallest things to this community …” Alder Jeannette Taylor said.

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Alder. Taylor has decided to move forward with the measure after community input. She thanks members of Englewood United and Build, who have been sitting in the gallery in coordinating white T-Shirts. The ordinance passes without objection

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Alderman Beale puts forth a motion to schedule the next City Council meeting Feb. 7 regarding the extension of ComEd’s contract.

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“We deserve more time to hash through this 80 pages of documents to know what we’re doing. The taxpayers deserve us to look at this thing.” Alderperson Sadlowski Garza said. “I want to make sure I’m not voting on something like parking meters.”

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Mayor Lightfoot wants to enter the proposal to the body Feb. 7 so it can be considered before a joint committee. Alder. Vazquez proposes waiting until after the election to consider the ComEd deal.

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The council takes a 5-minute break. “It’s a circus,” Alderperson Gardiner tells an observer. The council reconvenes at 1:40 p.m. The debate over reconvening the council to introduce the ComEd plan continues.

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The ultimate date of the next meeting is agreed to be Wednesday, March 15 at 10 a.m., after the election.

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The meeting is adjourned at 1:46 p.m.