Return to WSU, Board of Governors
Live reporting by Perry Sylvester
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The meeting was only accessible online and public comment was held at the end. Students and staff speaking out against discrimination, immoral practices and fair wages. The board of governors approved a 4.5% increase on tuition and fees.

Perry Sylvester @PerrySylvester6
Hello, Detroit! Today, 6/26, at 3 PM I live-tweet the WSU BoD regular meeting for @DetDocumenters #DETdocumenters and media partners:

10:13 AM Jun 26, 2024 CDT

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I will NOT be on campus today because, as you may have heard, the WSU BoD is, well, very busy. So busy, in fact, that they cannot risk being interrupted by students, staff, faculty, alumni, community members, etc. talking about boycotts & divestments or contracts & wages...
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Nope. Too busy. Sooo...I will live tweet from their livestream. You can tap in as well here:
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There is great background on this decision by the WSU BoD to go virtual from @outlier_media Noah Kincade @SFtotheD here:…
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD An additional take can be found from @MCmuckraker at media partner @metrotimes here:…
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes As per usual, you can check out the agenda and supporting documents...all available here:…
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes I gave a look at the agenda and couldn't find anything referencing demands for the university to boycott-sanction-divest. Huh. That's weird. I mean, there was this Student Senate resolution from way back when...…
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes And after the WSU campus cleared out protesters demonstrating against the ongoing (and escalating) terror being directed at Palestinians, the Student Senate issued this statement. I'm pretty sure the BoD received it. It's almost like they're not listening.…
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes The agenda was also silent on labor contracts and the demands from the WAU ...Weird, isn't it? I mean, these are pretty significant issues. You would think the BoD would be enthusiastic about open dialogue.
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes Well, they probably lost the email. Not to worry, though! The WAU @wau6075 is holding a rally today (June 26) at 2 pm at the ‘W’ on Warren and 2nd Avenue. You can read about it and how to support here:…
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 Now, to be fair, the WSU BoD is allowing open comments...for 26 people, at least (or so it appears). And as the LAST item on the agenda
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 WAU Vice Pres Kess Ballentine @BallentineKess is quoted in Kincade's article for @media_outlier as saying making the BoD regular meeting virtual only and moving public comment to the final item is “two steps away from where we were.” I'd call that generous...but that's just me
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 Okay…as per usual I have ranted and hit “add another post” rather than “reply”…but only for one post, so hopefully thread will continue
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier In theory, the thread for WSU BoD meeting for today, June 26 at 3 PM will continue here…
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier And one more thing about that agenda. The By-Laws Committee has some recommendations. Gosh, do tell. Maybe this is nothing, but it seems like the "Student Affairs Committee" is, well, going bye-bye.
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Perry Sylvester @PerrySylvester6 18/84
@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier It’s now 3:12…and I’m doing my usual freak-out…hitting play, hitting refresh…finally on. Stumbling through tech issue…roll call done, now Item 2, Consent Agenda… motion, support and weird echo 😆
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Lotta sad faces! Two members/governors still having connection issues but that is no reason to not keep bulling forward! Item 3, personnel recommendations, approved as is Item 4, “Recommendation for Senior Administration Appointment”
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Now we have all the feel-good items in President’s Report…various faculty achievements
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier On to Committees, starting with Academic Affairs…Shirley Stancato reports…some new programs like a Cert in Practical German [sic]…didn’t really follow the linked report available online🤔
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Bryan Barnhill gives overview then asks for action on tuition/fees increases…approve 4.5% tuition/fees increase….
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Marilyn Kelly explains recommendations for by-laws…creation of new Health Affairs, Research and Economic Development committee and combining Student Affairs with Academic Affairs into one committee…approved
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier 2024-25 Schedule of Meetings approved as is approval of some $1 million plus in endowments “for the purposes described”…Espey asks if they have to read and is pleased to hear they don’t…so approved, as is repurposing of an endowment 🙄
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier 2 contracts for services approved…1 for a company owned by a faculty member, 1 for a nonprofit whose CEO is a faculty member…links to pdf for both available in agenda link provided above
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier So presentation on operating margins…as long as positive, it’s all good
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Cash on hand…could function about 6 months without new funds
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Debt ratio…even though debt from Health Sciences building next year helps, but only a little as far rating agencies as they have already factored that in ratings
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier How much they get per student…more in tuition, less in state funding (compared to peers)
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Endowment in lower third in comparison to peer group
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Actually trying to be responsive to student needs…pretty positive trend
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Now an overview of Foundation holdings and investments! But points out no action will be taken today, it is just informational
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier 2 funds — only one is for Foundation; Barnhill has question about definition of “investment policy”, relating to types of investments and how it relates to whether the university fund or the endowment fund
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Who is who in the 2 funds…hey, look…WSU cash pool run by NEPC! That’s cool!
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Police goal for Cash Pool is 4% return…they use “funds”… so assume investment company products like mutual funds so NO direct investment in individual companies
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Now the Foundation/Endowment…what is/does…technically not just 1
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Perry Sylvester @PerrySylvester6 48/84
@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Asset allocation…a long term move towards more growth/risk
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Emphasizes (again) that there are no holdings in individual stocks…everything in mutual fund type investments
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Barnhill talking change and complexity…how investing in investment company/mutual funds provides diversification et. Admits WSU has indirect investment in weapon manufacturing firms but it is small…less than 2%
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier To get out is problematic…because funds kinda sorta like the old cable companies…can’t pick and choose. To leave behind the 2% or so of war profiteers would mean having to dump 80% of current affairs and then reallocate with remaining choices offered by firms
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Barnhill also brings up ESG investment strategy and options may be available in that direction
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier The presentation is promised to be available on the WSU BoD website tomorrow!
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Okay then…we are now on to public comment…with statement it not a matter of dialogue. The list people that made the cut off will now get their 3 minutes🤷🏼‍♂️
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Could not pick up Ridaa, but here is clip of person directly following…critical of Espey, especially handling of encampment
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Makes direct connection between university investment in index funds and Weapons made by companies like Lockheed Martin and deaths in Gaza…points to ability to create index funds without weapons manufacturers
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Points to how university threw riot police at a diverse group of peaceful protesters…points in particular to outrage of pulling off hijab of one of the protesters
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Two letters being presented…video captures first one…second by alumni and calls for withholding donations…both have been sent to Espey’s office
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier And a representative from the faith community speaks out in support of the students, faculty and alumni concerns and calls for a pledge from BoD to refrain from using violence
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Hmmm…I’ve lost WiFi connection, got it back, but still watching the wheel spin…
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Okay…finally back…to tech issues 🤷🏼‍♂️🙄🤨
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Notes contradictory behavior of university leadership during time when they divested from tobacco companies at height of their profitability and claims of having hands tied today
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Language matters—it is not abstract and we are not being heard
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier She also notes WSU was first school to pass BDS back in 2003 and disappointed in this current WSU BoD leadership
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier @BallentineKess both forceful, fair and optimistic, backed by enthusiastic fellow WAU members
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Speaks out regarding 10 African American students who are being held back from starting in medical program and points to extreme lack of diversity amongst WSU deans
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier @WAU6075 continuing to speak out…notes juxtaposition of WSU BoD passing highest tuition/fees while offering lowest pay increases…just not sustainable
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Finds it laughable WSU BoD hadn’t tested tech prior to going to virtual
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Head of WSU Muslim student group…came to WSU because of previous record of strong ethical leadership; points out to students rights to ask questions, investigate and have dialogue
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier WSU alumnae and current employee tells her experience of being told she can’t express her position on Israel’s actions in Israel
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Pediatrician and WSU alumnae echoes 1) disgust with the virtual meeting process 2) moral cowardice in treatment of students and refusing to take stand on Israel’s actions in Gaza
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Okey dokey—can’t get everyone in but a promise to get those statements in the record. Espey tries to close, but Barnhill makes statement…
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@Outlier_Media @SFtotheD @MCmuckraker @metrotimes @WAU6075 @BallentineKess @media_outlier Comes out with it…doesn’t believe divesting from Israel is just a gesture… achieving peace will take much more than telling people they have blood on their hands because of their investments…
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Okay, quick note--inadvertently referred to WSU BoG President Kimberly Andrews Espy as "Espey"; also, I kept saying "Board of Directors", "Directors", "BoD" and it should be "Governors"
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But that is my coverage...lots to think about. The BoG was good on their word, and the presentation on university holdings is up at their website. You can access it here:…
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Quick note--if you want to see the actual investments in the portfolios, you need to hit the "...performance is reported.." links. Example below:
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If you believe any of this documenting to be inaccurate, email with "Correction Request" in the subject line.
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