TRU's State of Transit 2025 — IN-PERSON ONLY


461 Burroughs St Detroit 48202 (Directions)

WSU Industry Innovation Center

Virtual attendance is possible, but we strongly recommend attending in person. We can provide tickets.

Join Transportation Riders United (TRU) for the State of Transit 2025, the biggest night in transit! Learn what’s new at TRU and listen to panel discussions with Michigan legislators and leaders from metro Detroit’s transit agencies. Refreshments will be provided.

The Speakers and Sponsors reception will begin at 5:00pm with refreshments and opportunities to network prior to the program at 6:00pm.

The general public and limited-income guests will begin to check in for the event at 5:30pm and enjoy refreshments prior to the program at 6:00pm.

This is a hybrid event. You must register to attend. Tickets are sold at various cost levels. Virtual attendance is free.

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team

Note-taking by Nadia Ziyad

Transit agency leaders and elected officials joined TRU for an evening of frank talk about the state of public transportation in the Metro area. Common themes were funding, attracting young people to the region and the collective needs of everyone — car owners or not.

Live reporting by Amy Senese

Transit agency leaders and elected officials joined TRU for an evening of frank talk about the state of public transportation in the Metro area. Common themes were funding, attracting young people to the region and the collective needs of everyone — car owners or not.

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To attend this event, you need to register using the following link. At this point, you need to buy a ticket to attend in person, but virtual registration is free.
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Transportation Riders United has been working for more than 25 years to improve transportation access and mobility in Metro Detroit.……
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Here's the current Board of Directors and Staff listed on the website.……
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Tonight's speakers include State Senator Mallory McMorrow, State Rep Jason Morgan, Wayne County Executive Warren Evans, Ben Stupka, Executive Director of the RTA, Tiffany Gunter, Deputy General Manager at SMART, Robert Cramer, Executive Director of Transit for the City of Detroit
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@DetroitTransit just released their new State of Transit Report for 2025, which includes a call for elected leaders to boost transit funding. Download the report by following this link:……
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That's all for now, see you at 6 pm tonight! If you notice there are any errors or corrections to this coverage, or you have questions, please contact Here's more coverage of recent meetings from #Detdocumenters……
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I’m here in the auditorium, the event is about to begin!
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Here's the agenda for tonight
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Now, the Transit Year in Review with Executive Director Megan Owens. Read the State of Transit 2025 report on their website.
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Transit is essential
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Transit has been underfunded for decades.
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TRU has done surveys and is seeing that overall bus service is improving.
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Expanding transit works. D2A2 ridership is going up.
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There is a real need to boost investment
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The State of Transit 2025 Recommendations DDOT and Smart stay focused on bus reliability Wayne County plan for countywide Boost investment in transit at the city and state level Double DDOT over 3 years
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TRU's role: research, educate, advocate, partner and mobilize Tru surveyed 1,100 bus riders
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Research and Education
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TRU has mobilized over 5,000 messages to transit decision-makers
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Here's the TRU Team, Megan Owens is doing shout outs to the team.
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Owens is calling up Deb Freer, Assistant Director, to speak next. A drunk driver hit Freer's mother in the '90s; she wishes the driver had another way to get home that night. She also spoke to the fact that not everyone has the resources to own a car.
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Freer is saying that TRU needs to grow to address transit needs. The transit agencies need the funding to develop and operate a strong transit system. They are calling on the public to donate to TRU as a monthly sustainer or one-time contributor.
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You can donate online here……
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Now, a rider perspective from Patty Fedewa. She finds the DDOT app really accurate; it reduces her time waiting. She's finding insufficient service on the Woodward Corridor on the weekend. She's happy with the service on Jefferson.
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Now, they will start the Transit Agency Panel with Robert Cramer, ExDirector of Transit, City of Detroit Tiffany Gunter, Deputy Director and COO, SMART Ben Stupka, Ex Director RTA
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SMART just hit 1 million riders. They've seen an increase in ridership. They are seeing more confidence as they increase their reliability since the pandemic.
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Owens: What are the biggest challenges you're facing? From Smart, Tiffany Gunter explains that last year she was not feeling great about SMART's situation. TRU has helped keep them on task, but last year, they experienced a lot of turmoil with the labor union and service overall.
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Today, Gunter has fewer "knots in her stomach" as things are working better at SMART. They have closed their operator shortage but are still down 20 mechanics. They began a maintenance assessment a few months ago to get all their vehicles available for service.
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Ben Stupka, RTA, is saying their biggest challenge is funding. They are in a period of chaos because of the federal "situation". Services are beginning to pick up, so they can start planning for the future and make next-level investments.
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Robert Cramer, ExDirector of Transit, City of Detroit Covid was complex and challenging for the staff and agencies. Lots of issues with the People Mover upkeep and challenges with staffing and bus maintenance at DDOT.
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Owens: What's coming up? What can riders look forward to?
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Robert Cramer - steady improvement, real reliable service. Transit is about a better quality of life and recruiting residents. Moving the needle on making transit a reliable option.
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Ben Stupka: RTA will be working on funding for seniors and those with disabilities. Working on investments for bus stops, better cycling, and transit connections. Launching their mobility wallet, master plan, looking for investments in the Q-line system to make it more reliable.
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Tiffany Gunter, SMART is most hopeful about the relationships they have built with those on the stage and in the agencies - she feels like there is more trust. Technology will be what brings everything together.
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Now, the Policymaker Panel will begin. Warren Evans, Wayne County Executive Mallory McMorrow, State Senator Jason Morgan, State Representative
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Owens: What transit-related progress are you most proud of?
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Warren Evans answered - getting House Bill 6088 passed to get them out of the opt-out communities. This prohibits municipalities in Wayne and Oakland Counties from opting out of public transit.……
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State Rep Jason Morgan and Senator Mallory McMorrow have worked to change the conversation from transit as a cute afterthought to getting the Governor of Michigan to start seeing transit as critical infrastructure.
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In a public hearing, there were 90 cards of support (from groups) for transit funding legislation. McMorrow - if your legislators don't support public transit, they should lose their jobs.
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Owens: What's next? What transit challenges will you be working on this year? Warren Evans will be reaching out to the opt-out communities. Unless transit comes in some of these communities, young people will not have access to opportunities
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Jason Morgan is going into his second term. They need to go into protection mode to keep current funding. Every candidate running for governor, senator, etc, must have a transit plan. This needs to be a state-wide challenge. This needs to be on everyone's radar.
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Mallory McMorrow - state legislators on both sides need to work together. We must remember that federal transit money is our tax dollars, and that is our funding. The funding is not a handout. McMorrow chairs the economic development committee.
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McMorrow continues: What if there was a joint economic development and transit committee? Why don't they bring agency operators from other cities/states to share successes?
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Owens: We have a whole community of folks that care about transit. How can we all work together as a community to make this progress happen?
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Warren Evans - we need people to come out from the communities they are reaching out to. Talking about the federal situation and executive orders. If Evans wanted to take public transit, he would have to walk 6 miles to Westland. What Evans needs is for folks to be advocates.
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Jason Morgan says the work TRU has been doing is exactly what they've needed over the years. Moving bills through the legislature is a challenging, long process. People across the state need to work together to improve public transit.
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Morgan - many people from rural communities on the other side of the aisle are unexpected allies; they also see the need for public transportation.
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Mallory McMorrow - the budget season is coming up; this is the time to request more funding. Sign up to volunteer/organize with TRU. Critical mass is what changes people's minds in the legislature.
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McMorrow cites Mom's Demand Action as an effective group that shows up in force to the legislature.
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Looks like I lost some tweets as I lost connection. Now Megan Owens is talking about TRU’s plans for 2025
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Here are more ways to get involved with Transportation Riders United (TRU) Transit Tuesday talk Feb 18 Action Items: Wayne Co Engagement, AmBUSadors Monthly Volunteer update meetings Monthly volunteer skills training Monthly social events
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We previously watched a video of a woman who rides public transportation after suffering a stroke while driving on 696. She now depends on public transportation and wants to see more investment and public education.
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Now we are watching a video about Brother Michael Cunningham. Public transit affects every area of our lives. Cunningham does outreach to riders in Detroit and is constantly speaking out about the need for public transit to improve in Detroit and the State of Michigan.
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Here are continuing and departing board members
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Here are TRU's recommended candidates There were 5 on the stage voted through, but I didn't catch the names. All of these candidates applied to be members of the board.
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Here’s a photo of the newly elected board.
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That concludes the formal event in the auditorium.
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I sat next to @sociallychrissy at last night’s event-follow her for more transit content! She’s a Detroiter that travels by bike and transit all while sharing her adventures 🚐🚲
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@sociallychrissy Here’s @DetroitTransit’s statement on the end of allowing communities in Wayne and Oakland to opt out of transit. 17 communities have been affected.……
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@sociallychrissy @DetroitTransit That concludes my coverage of Transportation Riders United (TRU)’s State of Transit event for 2025. Download the report here!……
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@sociallychrissy @DetroitTransit For more coverage visit