Return to RTA, Citizens Advisory Committee
Live reporting by Dan Ignacio
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RTA gets $1.1M grant to develop mobility wallet for riders of DDOT, SMART, MoGo bikes & scooters in 1-year pilot program.

Dan / @civicDetroitDan
Hello, hello! At 5 p.m. I’ll live-tweet the @RTAmichigan Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting for #DETdocumenters. 🧵

@DetDocumenters media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @media_outlier @metrotimes @MichiganRadio @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit.

04:04 PM Feb 27, 2023 CST

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Join this meeting online or by phone:

We’ll have more notes, recordings and archived materials:…

📎 Today’s meeting notice:
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⏮ The last CAC meeting we covered — Madison Ganzak took notes:

Meg live-tweeted:…
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❓ The Regional Transit Authority of Southeast Michigan (RTA) oversees and proposes improvements to public transit in the counties of Wayne, Macomb, Oakland and Washtenaw. It works with DDOT, @SMART_movesus, @CatchTheRide and other transit providers.
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🚩 Need image descriptions? Contact me and I’ll provide them to you.

Something inaccurate? Email with the subject “Correction Request.” I’ll add corrections at the end.

See you now!
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⌚️ At 5:03 p.m., the southeast Michigan Regional Transit Authority of Southeast Michigan Citizens Advisory Committee meeting begins! Eric Dryer calls the meeting to order.
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👤 Roll call! Dryer says there isn’t a quorum, so the committee cannot vote on any matters.
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The committee approves this meeting’s agenda and the previous meeting’s minutes.
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Huh, they just approved some executive appointments despite not having a quorum. I guess the quorum that Dryer said they don’t have isn’t needed for votes. …
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I did not see any agenda on the RTA website, and the committee did not name the appointees out loud, so I don’t know who they are.
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John Waterman says a certain executive team will meet soon. Now we proceed to an “RTA overview” report presented by Ben Stupka.
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Stupka says a 5310 call for projects will be released next week. Some updates on the ridership of the D2A2 intercity bus: 5,000 riders in October, dipped in November and December and an uptick in January. Stupka says a recent RTA survey got a “really good response rate.”
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My laptop crashed! 😵 First time that happened while documenting, but it was bound to happen.

Re-joining the meeting now…
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The last thing I caught: Stupka says another intercity bus route (perhaps the route to Detroit Metro Airport?) will hopefully launch in January 2024 before that year’s NFL Draft, to be held in Detroit.
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The committee let me back into the meeting pretty quickly. As I was coming back, folks were talking about the proposed Amtrak transit center in New Center.
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Now they’re talking about a “transit wallet” pilot, which sounds like new electronic payment technology. RTA is targeting job-seekers with this pilot, and is partnering with agencies like Detroit at Work.
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Stupka says DDOT and SMART have switched providers for their Dart fare passes from online parking payment provider Passport to a more specialized provider, Token Transit.
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💼 At 5:42 p.m., the committee proceeds to other business.
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No one brings up any matters for other business.
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John Waterman says CAC’s next meeting will be April 24.
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⏱ At 5:44 p.m., the meeting is adjourned! I will try to cover what I missed using a backup recording of the meeting, stay tuned…
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But for now, that’s my live coverage of this RTA Citizens Advisory Committee meeting. I’ll be back shortly!

For more local meeting coverage, check out
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Updates will definitely follow below, and perhaps some corrections too. See you in about 30 minutes.
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⏪ Here we go again! Here are more notes from today’s RTA Citizens Advisory Committee meeting. For the sake of simplicity — and because my live coverage wasn’t as good as I wanted — I’ll start from the very beginning of the meeting.
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⏪ ⌚️ At 5:04 p.m., Chairperson Eric Dryer called the meeting to order. He said he didn’t think the committee had a quorum, so a supermajority was necessary for any votes during this meeting.
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⏪ The committee approved this meeting’s agenda — which I couldn’t find on RTA’s website — and the previous meeting’s minutes.
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⏪ 📣 At 5:06 p.m., the committee proceeded to hear public comments… but there were none.
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⏪ The committee voted to appoint new executive members: John Waterman as chair, along with Michael Bedard, Parnell McCarter, Robert Pawlowski, and an unspecified member named Thomas — either Thomas Yazbeck or Thomas Zerafa. Eric Dryer stepped down as chair.
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⏪ 📝 At 5:12, RTA staffmember Ben Stupka presented the RTA Overview and Activity Report. Key points: …