[remote or in person, 1:30-5pm] 2025 Chicago Budget Hearing: regulatory & social service agencies

Chicago City Council

Thursday, Nov. 7, 2024
1:30 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. CST

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121 N LaSalle St Chicago, IL 60602 (Directions)

City Hall, 2nd floor, Council Chambers

This is an assignment to document a portion of Chicago City Council’s 2025 budget process.

Roles & Scheduling New this year, we are capping departmental budget hearing assignments at 3.5 hours (plus 2 hours outside work). Please take note of the time slot indicated in the assignment title. You will be paid for the full 3.5 hours regardless of whether the meeting starts late or a break occurs, but you should conclude your coverage when the end of your shift arrives.


Morning shift: 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

  • Live reporting (Twitter)
  • Notes

Afternoon shift: 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

  • Live reporting (Twitter)
  • Notes
  • Special assignment*

Saturday, Nov. 9 & 19

Morning shift: 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

  • Live reporting (Twitter)
  • Notes

Afternoon shift: 12:30 p.m. to 4 pm

  • Live reporting (Twitter)

  • Notes

  • Special assignment*

*In the event that a hearing extends past the end of the afternoon shift, on the subsequent weekday morning we will assign someone to take notes on the remaining portion of the meeting using the video recording. This assignment will be due by noon the next day and paid according to the regular formula (meeting duration + 2 hours). To indicate your interest, apply to the “special assignment” role.

For example, if a Monday meeting adjourns at 6:42 p.m., on Tuesday morning we will assign someone who has applied to the “special assignment” role to take notes on the portion that took place after 5 p.m., or the last hour and 42 minutes. The assignment will be due by noon on Wednesday.

Applicants who completed 2025 budget season training on Oct. 21 or 22 will receive an extra hour of pay on each assignment they submit.

Assignment instructions This is an assignment to document a 3.5-hour portion of Chicago City Council’s 2025 budget process.

You have the option of documenting this meeting in person or remotely.

If you choose to attend in person, an additional hour will be added to your total assignment hours. Please note that there may be increased security and restrictions; use a clear bag if possible and leave large water bottles, thermoses and pepper spray at home. If you choose to document remotely, the meeting will be live-streamed at https://www.chicityclerk.com/.

At this link, scroll down to “Meeting Notices.” Look for “Watch now” and click on the link with the meeting title to go to a livestream page. If you don’t see a link for the meeting, you may be early or the meeting may be starting late. Wait a few moments and try refreshing your Internet tab.

Other notes and pre-research resources

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Live reporting by Jennifer Guerrero

CDPH faces steep budget cuts in part because of the impending expiration of COVID-19 funds in 2025-27. Understaffing in CDPH came up repeatedly — several alderpeople noted that CDPH has over 200 outstanding vacancies, including many that carry over from previous years.

Jennifer Guerrero
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The meeting began with a presentation about CDPH by Dr. Olusimbo Ige speaking about the depart.‘s accomplishments. CDPH - regularly monitors 17 infectious diseases - has reduced infant mortality by doing home visits to assess the mother’s and the baby’s health and safety
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- reduced deaths by opioids by 500 - reported no major food outbreaks due to regular 2 hour check ups on at all major festivals/events in the city - provided dental and vision care for students during the school day
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She stresses that as a department that receives one time funding as a result of COVID grants, they plan for sustainability of all their initiatives and will continue to assess how to address community needs to address high mortality rates before the age 65…
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Caused in large part by chronic disease and homicide. This is especially prevalent in the south and west sides of the city. Dr. Ige
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Alder. Rodriguez-Sanchez asks Dr. Ige how CDPH plans to work with the new administration coming in January and lack of COVID funding. Dr. Ige says that they expect COVID funding to stop since it was supplemental funding but they are working hard to remain eligible for …
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Federal grants. They are also collaborating with the Big Cities coalition to make recommendations to the new administration about public health priorities.
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Alder. Rodriguez-Sanchez asks how opioid response has been funded. Dr. Ige says that it’s a settlement funding and CDPH’s own budget and they have a very specific list of which funds are used for certain initiative.
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Alder. Rodriguez-Sanchez also asks about mental health clinic in Roseland. Dr. Ige says that the Mayor’s office for budget and staffing has given clearance to hire all personal to get the clinic running.
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Her final question to Dr. Ige was about CDPH’s promotion for the city’s mental health services. Dr. Ige says CDPH has started a door knocking campaign, as well as an inventory for people who have contacted the department asking about mental health services to make sure…
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The person was connected with services and follow up with them.
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Alder. Dowel asks Dr. Ige about the environmental protection task force that is a part of CDPH. Dr. Ige explains that they monitor environmental conditions in communities including potential emissions, demolitions that can release particles in the air, and complains through 311.
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Alder. Dowel also asked why CDPH needs their own HR depart. that costs $1 million. Dr. Ige explains that b/c CDPH needs to hire personal quickly before the one time funds run out, they need their own HR depart. to expedite that process.
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Dr. Ige also notes that the need for expedited hiring was especially crucial with COVID grants. Alder. Dowel notes that funding for this depart. needs to be further examined as the city is looking to save money and this might not be necessary for the future.
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Alder. Hadden asks Dr. Ige about the meeting about the air monitors for the city. The meeting, originally scheduled for tomorrow, has been postponed. The meeting is to decide where they will be placed.
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Ald. Hadden also asks about the $2 million that goes to HIV organizations that work with black gay men. She asks if it is a specific requirement that these organizations are also led by black gay men. There is not. The only requirement is that they serve this position.
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Ald. Haden’s final question is about the number of staff positions that are dependent on the COVID one time grants. Dr. Ige says that there are 347 positions were hired under the premise of one time funding. There are currently 215 staff positions that have no alternative funds.
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Alder. Moore asks what CDPH is doing regarding senior care. Dr. Ige says that the depart. collaborates with other agencies to address respiratory diseases including vaccination campaigns. Dr. Ige says infectious diseases are currently the biggest risk for senior pop.
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Alder. La Spata asks about the long term vacant positions in mental health clinics. He asks how CDPH can be more competitive to new hires and if there needs to be an adjustment in salary in order to be more realistic in the job market.
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Dr. Ige says that not only is there a nationwide shortage, but it is also an issue county wide. CDPH has worked with Cook county to compile a report to see what can be done to become more appealing to mental health professionals and how to address staff needs.
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He also asks about how the Pilsen clinic is full staffed and how they were successful in doing so. Dr. Ige says that changes what types of staff are hired has made the difference.
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Alder. Sigho-López asks how CDPH is enforcing environment violations and the order of procedure for evaluating them. Dr. Ige explains that they go through 311, inspect it, but that issuing citations isn’t something the department is used to doing.
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Ald. Martin asks about how many positions have been long term vacant in CDPH overall. 124 staff positions, including 70 positions under corporate which were put under a hiring freeze and have been vacant long term. He also requests specific info about what types of positions
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Another question he asks is about expanding CARE team hours. There is currently a CARE team in his district, but they only work 9-5pm. Currently, CDPH is debating whether they will expand their hours or branch out to new communities. Debate is due to budget/hiring constraints
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He also asks a question about how CDPH is remedying the complaints by IDPH that CDPH was not doing enough environmental inspections.
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Dr. Ige says that CDPH currently gets about 5000 inspection requests, 2000 permits, in addition to having to have staff on site for demolitions. She says that more hiring needs to be done and that staff is currently spread very thin.
Note-taking by Madeleine Davison

CDPH faces steep budget cuts in part because of the impending expiration of COVID-19 funds in 2025-27. Understaffing in CDPH came up repeatedly — several alderpeople noted that CDPH has over 200 outstanding vacancies, including many that carry over from previous years.

Note-taking by Katrina Herring

In March of this year, DOB launched an improved website that provides owners with direct real time access to the status of their projects in the review process. DOB plans to retire their existing 20 year old Hansen system by the end of 2026.

Agency Information

Chicago City Council

The Chicago City Council is the legislative branch of the government of the City of Chicago and consists of the Mayor and Aldermen elected from each of the City’s fifty wards. Source

If you attend a meeting in person, be prepared to go through a security checkpoint and show photo ID.

Meetings are also livestreamed at https://www.chicityclerk.com/.

At this link, scroll down to “Meeting Notices.” Look for “Watch now” and click on the link with the meeting title to go to a livestream page. If you don’t see a link for the meeting, you may be early or the meeting may be starting late. Wait a few moments and try refreshing your Internet tab.

Recordings of past City Council meetings may be found here: https://vimeo.com/user100351763/videos/sort:date.

See also: “What to Expect at a Meeting of Chicago’s City Council” via the Better Government Association.

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