MPSC, DTE Rate Increase Pre-Hearing

Michigan Public Service Commission

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Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team

Note-taking by Sandi Nelson

A procedural hearing to set a schedule, issue instructions and recognise the petitions to intervene.

Live reporting by Pamela Taylor

A procedural hearing to set a schedule, issue instructions and recognise the petitions to intervene.

PTdocsDetroit @ptdocsdetroit
What up doh! (IYKYK) I’ll be live-tweeting today's MI Public Service Commission,DTE Rate Increase PreHearing for #DETdocumenters @DetDocumenters

Media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @MichiganRadio @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit

08:49 AM Mar 7, 2023 CST

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The meeting is scheduled for 10AM
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The mission of the Michigan Public Service Commission is to serve the public by ensuring safe, reliable, and accessible energy and telecommunications services at reasonable rates.
Check out their website:
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There are 3 commissioners appointed by the Governor.
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You can view past and future filings via the e-docket site. Lots of good information. We need to keep up! e-dockets
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Judge Sharon Feldman is presiding and taking attendance. There are 61 attendees so far.
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Hearing on Record Case U-21297 @ 10:07am.
Attorneys for all interested parties are now identifying themselves
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There are a myriad different parties who are appearing: law firms, organizers, activist groups, unions, environmental organizations, scientists, municipalities
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Judge Feldman is identifying how people can intervene via comments: filing petitions, email, the commission website, letters etc e-dockets
You may call: 517-284-8090
There will also be a public hearing. The date has not been set.
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Judge Feldman is asking if anyone has any objections to the parties who have filed intervention documents. Filings can be seen on the e dockets website:…
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Reviewing schedule for handling the case: Staff and intervening filings made before 6/13/23, discovery turnaround, rebuttals, PTD would be 10/5/23.
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Judge Feldman is now checking if the schedule is acceptable to the intervening organizations. All parties have agreed to the schedule.
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Judge Feldman emailed counsel about service list and scheduling memo and standards for rebuttals.
Judge is reiterating the standards for rebuttals, especially since there are only 12 days provided. Calling attention to 12/17/2020 order to use as the standard for rebuttals.
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Next hearing: March 14th @ 10a Oral argument dealing with DTE's protective order request. Judge Feldman has asked that DTE respond to objections by Thursday 3/9, Reply by Friday afternoon. The Judge would like to make a ruling on Monday afternoon to avoid the Tuesday meeting.
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Meeting adjourned at 10:45am. This concludes the MI Public Service Commission,DTE Rate Increase PreHearing. The next meeting is scheduled for March 14, 2023. For more meeting coverage, check out
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If you believe anything in the coverage tonight is inaccurate, please email us at with “Correction Request” in the subject line.
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More Commission Info: Upcoming Meetings:…

Intervening Parties list:…

MPSC Monthly Newsletter (who knew 🧐)…
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More info:

MPSC & Electricity:…

MPSC DTE Rate Sheets:…
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Contact MPSC commissioners at:

MPSC scorecard:…
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To comment on this case (U-21297)…

Agency Information

Michigan Public Service Commission

The mission of the Michigan Public Service Commission is to serve the public by ensuring safe, reliable, and accessible energy and telecommunications services at reasonable rates.

The Commission is composed of three members appointed by the Governor to serve staggered six-year terms. No more than two Commissioners may represent the same political party. One commissioner is designated as chairman by the Governor.

More from this agency