Return to MICRC, Commission Meeting
Live reporting by Amber Umscheid
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Commissioners have finished drawing all district maps, and Senate maps are awaiting court approval. After a heated discussion, commissioners set a due date of Dec. 1 for dissenting opinions to be included in a report

Good morning! I'll be live-tweeting the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission Meeting at 10am for @DetDocumenters . Media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @media_outlier @metrotimes @michigan_public @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit

08:53 AM Jul 18, 2024 CDT

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These meetings take place the third Thursday of every month and are broadcast on their YouTube Channel. Tune in today to follow along!…
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Read more about last month's meeting...…
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Meeting has been called to order. All Commissioners are present except Kellom, there is a quorum.
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Today's agenda 👇 a request to move item 5c to the beginning of unfinished business was denied.
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🚨Public Comment
Mr. Gallant from Marquette County speaking about Robert's Rule and concerns of informal and wrong order of business including the absence of the secretary.
Mr. Skinell shared he already voted in the August Primary.
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Moving to State of Michigan Archive update from Edward Woods III.
The MICRC's website, digital files, social media, and hardcopy collection have been preserved. The UofM Archives are working on preservation too. Woods asked for a committee to support this work.
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Discussing the notice to vacate legal expense, including a request to remove Commissioner Eid. The rules of the commission shown below were brought up on screen.
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Commissioner Szetela commented about discussion of amending rules of procedures being listed and doesn't believe that is appropriate since commission has own council.
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She also stated that covering fees is not consistent with statements made previously about representation needing to be covered by own. She claims rules were change to benefit Commissioner Eid.
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Commissioner Callaghan stated that not covering these fees would be a disservice to those currently on the commission and those who may serve on the commission in the future that they will not be protected.
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Commissioner Szetela interrupted Commissioner Eid when he spoke to clarify why this situation was different. This broke into a heated debate about if Eid can be involved in this discussion and voting. Acting Chair Kellom voiced that Eid cannot participate.
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Nine commissioners voted to end this debate. There is a motion on the floor from Commissioner Lett to pay the reduced invoice for $16,730.10 to Dykema and a second from Weiss. This has passed; the no votes came from Commissioners Lange, Szetela, and Wagner.
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Moving to the Public Comment Analysis. Students at University of Michigan are putting together a book of aggregated public comments and this analysis will be used for determinations going forward.
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FY24 Amended Budget -
Approved on June 27 for $3,331, 200 and are waiting for funds to be deposited. Once there, outstanding bills will be paid to bring accounts to current.
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Draft House and Senate Remedial Commission Report is in progress. Should be ruled on no later than July 26th.…
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Lots of discussion from Commissioner Szetela's request for more time to write and submit her dissenting report. The amendment for Dec 31st failed. Szetela claimed the failure was spiteful and requested a deadline of Dec 15th. That motion also failed.
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Szetela is claiming she is being silenced if she is not given adequate time to submit. Commissioner Eid is confirming that the timeline is decided by the commission. After discussion, December 1st is the confirmed deadline for dissenting reports.
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Combining the May and June Financial Reports and the FY24 Amended Budget. As mentioned previously once the recently approved amount is deposited, the unpaid bills will be caught up.
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All meeting minutes from May 16th to June 26th have been approved.
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Executive Director report will be moved to the next meeting. Legal Liaison Report included notes about letters received with accusations of lack of transparency and concerns about reaching out to elected officials directly.
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There is HEATED discussion again around these letters and what is allowed. Commissioner Szetela is claiming a personal attack towards herself. She is arguing that politicians are considered members of the public.
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Emailing elected officials from a personal email, without copying anyone else and seeking feedback on the maps, is what is being discussed. Commissioner Szetela claimed a "witch hunt" for her speaking up on trial. ()…
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Commissioner Szetela is now claiming that she only reached out to Plymouth and Inkster and it is behavior that is allowed under the constitution. She stated she doesn't care what the commissioners think about this. We are now moving on...
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Early voting for August Primary begins on July 27th and primary election date is August 6th.
"Get out and vote everybody, it is a privilege we are lucky to have." -Commissioner Eid
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Meeting adjourned at 12:23pm. That concludes today's tweets from the MICRC. For more coverage, visit . If you believe anything is inaccurate, email with "Correction Request" in the subject line.