Return to Highland Park City Council
Live reporting by Amelia Benavides-Colón
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City officials finished the final step needed to complete the water debt settlement with the Great Lakes Water Authority. Features of the arrangement include new meters at main gates, new water and sewage contracts, and a trust agreement and contract with the state to provide fun

Amelia Benavides-Colón @benavides_colon
Happy Monday!! 🌞
I’m covering tonight’s Highland Park City Council meeting at 7 p.m. for @DETDocumenters 🌇
media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @media_outlier @metrotimes @michigan_public @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit 🩷

10:24 AM Apr 15, 2024 CDT

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Highland Park (HP) Council meetings are held at 12050 Woodward Ave
👩🏽‍💻or you can join virtually here:…
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HP Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, catch up on last week’s coverage:
📝Top hits:
- HP Police started street & alley parking enforcement
- Bids opened for essential services
- Councilmembers want an external audit
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Board members —
President: Jamal K. Thomas
President Pro Tem: Sharmaine Robinson
District 1: Temeko Manica
District 2: Kallela Martin
District 3: Khusheed Ash-Shafii
District Map:
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Today’s agenda *should* be found here:
I’ll keep an eye out on the website today and post once we have an agenda!…
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Catch you tonight 👩🏽‍💻🥰
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Tonight’s agenda:
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6 minutes until meeting time!
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The meeting is being called to order at 7 p.m. by President Thomas
Roll Call:
☑️Pres Thomas
☑️Pro Tem Robinson
☑️ D1 Manica
☑️D2 Martin
☑️D3 Ash-Shafii
The April 1 agenda & minutes are approved with two walk-ons.
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A resolution is being read out for a bonding certificate for former Highland Park Treasurer Lisa Stolaski in the amount of $500,000 to the maximum of $2 million…
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There is also a resolution being walked on for (something?) the speaker does not have a microphone
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Ash-Shafi wants to move Item 6B to the workshop to be discussed further.
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So we have 3 walk-ons on the table:
a resolution regarding the bond requirement for the interim treasurer (there are several dates incorrect on this resolution that must be fixed)
the resolution I did not hear
moving item 6B to workshop
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There's disagreement over the motion including all the 3 resolutions, Councilmember Manica wants them votes on individually -- again, this is just to approve adding them to the agenda and not the actual vote
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Oh, finally the second resolution calls for: City Biz Administration has an approval of the trust agreement
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For resolution 1:
Ash-Shaffi - aye
Martin - aye
Manica - nay
Robinson - aye
Thomas - nay
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Resolution 2:
Ash-Shaffi - aye
Martin - aye
Manica - aye
Robinson - aye
Thomas - aye
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Resolution 3:
Ash-Shaffi - aye
Martin - aye
Manica - aye
Robinson - aye
Thomas - aye
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Resolutions 2 & 3 have been moved to Agenda items 5 & 6, thus pushing everything down a wee bit
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The floor is now being turned over to Highland Park Mayor Glenda McDonald
She apologizes for those we arrived to the empty coffee meeting, she was pulled away for an emergency and will reschedule.
The HP Fire Dept. is fully staffed for the first time since 1984
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McDonald said she wants to dispel any rumors that her office is stalling the appointment of the new treasurer - she said the background check process and bond resolution has not been completed yet, and that has nothing to do with her office.…
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Time for citizen's participation which is limited to 2 minutes:
1: What happens if the bond is not issued and what has been the holdup? She would like her question answered now, but that's not allowed.
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2: Lisa Stolarski, the woman selected by Council on March 18 to serve as the new treasurer. She said she was given a starting number of $2 million, that the bank was shocked by and she was asked several confusing questions about her finances. She said it's not for lack of trying
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She said it's not for lack of trying that she hasn't been bonded. She's trying to finish her statement but the time is up and Councilmembers signaled for police to escort her out.
Someone is repeating "Ms. Bibbs was bonded for $12 million"
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3: Wants to know the zoning status of her neighborhood. Thomas said her area has not been rezoned and he will send her a copy of the map
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4: Member of rapid response EMS, says there was a date error on the RFP, said he Counci's website read March 11 and March 12 but he went on both of those days to be told the RFP was closed. He was a sealed bid prepared to deliver. Council said they will reopen the bid
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5: The resident behind Line 6G explaining his project to reduce the amount of debris and garbage around a home in his neighborhood
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This concludes Citizen's Comment.
We've opened the floor to discuss the ambulance transportation bids - Ash-Shafi said the board has a choice to accept the sealed bid as is today and move the vote to next week, or extend the bid process until next week
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Ash-Shafii is making an order to accept the closed bid from Rapid Response and then reopen the bid next week.
Robinson said legally this needs to run in the news first. This is confirmed, it needs to be posted somewhere the bid period is extended
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Ash-Shafii rescinds his motion; and makes a new motion to extend the bid process until May 3 at noon, reissue a notice in the paper by April 24 and then accept the sealed bid from Rapid Response today
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Roll Call vote:
5 ayes
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There is now a resolution on the table to finish the conversations about settling in court with GLWA so they can release funds.
The final court case is next Tuesday where the consent order will be issued and the case closed.…
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Ron Liscombe of Miller Canfield said the revised trust agreement was approved by Council & since then a few technical corrections were made by GLWA that triggered legal status questions
Today's changes include editing definitions of the 2 bodies, an idiosyncratic change he said
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the final settlement agreement, that is waiting to be signed…
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The agreements include
- new water contract
- new sewer contract
- trust agreement
- an agreement w/ Michigan to provide funds to replace leaks & repair broken water infrastructure & install water meters
The meters will be master meters at the main gate, not residential ones
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GLWA walked away with $30 million but the tax levy is gone.
Once the meters go in, rates will go down. The excess being paid is because of the unmetered water. Residents are encouraged to attend meetings and engage with GLWA…
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"Getting the rates down is most important thing right now," said ma'am in the khaki pantsuit and black blazer standing to the left (I missed her name)
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update: miss pantsuit is Highland Park's Emergency Manager Cathy Square
s/o documented @colleencirocco for the tip!…
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@colleencirocco Square said her work is not done yet and won't be done until the City finds someone to step into her place.
She's had a difficult but amazing 10 years in office and feels proud of the work she's been able to accomplish in the meantime, there's so much potential for HP, she said
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@colleencirocco Square said she thinks current rates are too high and should go down with the installation of meters, so it needs to be prioritized that the meters are installed.…
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@colleencirocco Motion carries, all ayes
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@colleencirocco Item 6: regarding the bond for interim treasurer
There is now a motion on the table from Manica to revert to the status quo to let (Mr. Lampkin?) hold the role of treasurer because Lisa Stolarski was not able to complete the required hiring process in the last 26 days
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@colleencirocco Ash-Shafii said he finds it extremely unfair that Deptury City Treasurer Tony Lampkin is doing his job with no bond.
And blame should not be places on Stolarski for not fulfilling the requirements when she appeared today to explain that the error falls on Council
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@colleencirocco Ash-Shafii said there's a clear double standard that allows Lampkin to do the role of treasurer to do his job but doesn't allow the new treasurer to be bonded
Square said it's because Lampkin is insured. Ash-Shafii wants to see the insurance policy.
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@colleencirocco Square confirmed that deputy treasurers are not bonded.
She said several have run away from this role because they see the role requires a bond so it's hard to find a replacement. There are 2 bonding requirements: one through Wayne County and another w/ HP
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@colleencirocco Manica is trying to clarify for Ash-Shafii that someone needs to be hired, elected and bonded before they can be trusted to fulfill the responsibilities to the role.
There's several raised voices and different conversations going on, there is no resolution on the table..
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@colleencirocco Ash-Shafii said this is an act of discrimination against Stolarski because she is white.
Louds "oohs" from the crowd and passive aggressive comments from President Thomas asking the crowd is they are here for jokes
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@colleencirocco There is a motion by Manica to retain the current deputy treasurer instead of move forward with Lisa Stolarski.
Ash-Shafii is repeatedly saying he wants to hear legal's opinion
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@colleencirocco Legal confirmed there is a motion to amend, that if it fails Thomas can proceed with the motion as is. Thomas is pushing for a vote
Roll Call:
Ash-Shafii - nay
Martin - nay
Manica - aye
Robinson - nay
Thomas - aye
Motion fails
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@colleencirocco Ash-Shafii has made a motion to accept the bond proposal for Lisa Stolarski
Thomas said Ash-Shafii has verbally assaulted "Annie Zobal" during conversations about racism
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@colleencirocco According to Thomas, Stolarski gave Robinson and another council member a home.
Councilmember Robinson? has walked out (at the podium) and said she'll be back when the dust settles
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@colleencirocco There is so much screaming and talking over each other I cannot track the conversation.
Ash-Shafii feels passionate about the boding process of former treasurer Bibbs
Thomas says nobody knows the truth about why Ash-Shafii is so passionate about bonding Stolarski
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@colleencirocco Square has the floor now, she's explaining Bibb was bonded, which is like an insurance policy and she had a responsibility to uphold the duty of her job.
Square said she can't speak on everything Bibb did, but state law requires diff processes for NEW treasurers
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@colleencirocco Member? said she personally spoke with Stolarski to tell her she would be better suited in a different position. She has no treasury experience and will have to be taught a lot of things before getting started.
(top middle)
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@colleencirocco Ash-Shafii said telling Stolarski she would fit better in a different role is a clear example of the discrimination he's alleging.
He said an assumption was made she couldn't get bonded, but today we learned it wasn't her fault but the city's.
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@colleencirocco Martin wants to know why bonding is such a big deal.
Thomas said bonding is insurance, and that's needed for her to start the job.
Martin wants to know why there's so much animosity?
Thomas said he doesn't know.
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@colleencirocco Martin wants to know the next steps.
Thomas said the county would step in to handle finances.
Stolarski said she only got the background check last week after waiting 26 days after submitting paperwork
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@colleencirocco Martin said to get Stolarski information on where she can get bonded. She also wants to know from Square what the treasurer training would include.
Square is clarifying that the treasury's job is difficult and she Stolarski needs to learn the job on her own, HP can't teach her
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@colleencirocco Martin (black polka dots) says doing business as usual in HP is "getting us nowhere" and changes to the status quo need to be made.
Square is loudly arguing that nobody should be required to train a treasurer, it's a skillset they should have
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@colleencirocco Roll Call: for the amendment of the bonding requirement for Lisa Stolarski from $2 million to $500,000
Ash-Shafii: aye
Martin: (didn't hear)
Manica: nay
Robinson: aye
Thomas: aye
Motion passes.
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@colleencirocco Robinson wants to know who decided on the location for the resolution to approve the location agreement DTE Kiosk Bill Payment System between the City of Highland Park and DTE.
I can't find where that proposed location is
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@colleencirocco The kiosk will only be operational during the building's business hours while the long-term goal is to keep it manned.
Roll Call:
Ash-Shafii: nay
Martin: nay
Manica: aye
Robinson: nay
Thomas: aye
Failed. There will not be a mobile kiosk payment location for residents.
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@colleencirocco Resolution recommending revision to Zoning Ordinance Chapter 1210.02 regarding Planning Commission membership
Thomas said this is leftover from the last Council's tenure, the property to the left was the greenhouse
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@colleencirocco Roll Call:
Ash-Shafii: aye
Martin: aye
Manica: aye
Robinson: nay
Thomas: aye
Motion passes
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@colleencirocco Resolution to sell the vacant residential adjacent lot at 128 Candler to the adjacent property owner at 132 Candler, Kelvin Jones $500
Ash-Shafii wants to know Jones' plans for the property. Jones said he submitted his plans for a swingset
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@colleencirocco Martin wants to know more.
Jones said he didn't know he could purchase an adjacent lot, and this is his first time purchasing an adjacent lot. He said he maintains 2 properties on the block and expects to get started in the summer. The swing set is for his grandkids
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@colleencirocco Ash-Shafii said he expects that if this motion passes Jones keeps his word.
Martin wants to know how Council can even make a judgment when Jones doesn't have a solid plan
Roll Call:
Ash-Shafii: aye
Martin: aye
Manica: aye
Robinson: aye
Thomas: aye
Motion passes
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@colleencirocco Awe clapping hands for Jones from the residents in the room 🎉
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@colleencirocco Motion on for a resolution to sell the vacant residential adjacent lot at 347 Elmhurst to Anthony Toone, adjacent property owner of 353 Elmhurst for $500.
Motion passes, all ayes
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@colleencirocco Now a resolution to sell the vacant residential adjacent lot at 400 Highland to Bees R E LLC., a Florida Limited Liability company, the adjacent property owner of 396 Highland for $500
Ash-Shafii said he makes a motion to deny, and then rescinded once he saw the owners present
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@colleencirocco Thomas is asking for a motion... dead silence for 2 minutes
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@colleencirocco Robinson has made a motion to sell the lot, with questions.
Martin wants to know how long he's lived at the address since last October. He doesn't have a Michigan ID. The owner said he's been maintaining the lot and wants to fence it in this summer "when the money get right"
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@colleencirocco Thomas wants to know how much time the resident plans to be in Michigan, he said more than half of the year.
Roll Call:
Ash-Shafii - nay
Martin - nay
Manica - nay
Robinson - aye
Thomas - aye
Motion fails.
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@colleencirocco Resolution to sell the vacant residential adjacent lot at 220 Midland to Sherrelle Buchanan-Johnson, adjacent property owner of 216 Midland for $500
Ash-Shafii said this person was given a lot a month ago. She said it's been 6+ months. He wants to know the status of the lot
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@colleencirocco Roll Call:
Ash-Shafii: aye
Martin: aye
Manica: aye
Robinson: aye
Thomas: aye
Motion passes
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@colleencirocco Resolution to sell the vacant residential adjacent lot at 39 Winona to the adjacent property owner at 45 Winona, Brandon Lopez $500
Roll Call:
Ash-Shafii: aye
Martin: aye
Manica: nay
Robinson: aye
Thomas: aye
Motion passes
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@colleencirocco We're onto Line Item VII. Engineering
Resolution authorizing the acceptance of addition and deletion of certain major and local streets within the City of Highland Park Public Right of Way, under the Act-51 Mileage Certification for cities and villages
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@colleencirocco Councilmembers are getting a packet of updated information maps
Today's request is to remove some roads, and add other roads currently outside the jurisdiction to equate for any loss of value
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@colleencirocco The streets to be removed:
- Fort St between Lincoln and Hamilton
- Pasadena between Lincoln and Hamilton
- Lincoln between Fort and Pasadena
- W Grand St from Lincoln to Hamilton
- W Grand St from W Grand to W Grand
- Auburndale from Lincoln to Hamilton
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@colleencirocco - Lincoln from W Grand to Auburndale
- W Grand from Thompson to Trumbull
- Auburndale from Trubull to Lincoln
- Trumbull, from W Grand to Auburndale
- Auburndale from Thompson to Trumbull
- Waverly from Trumbull to Lincoln
- Tyler from Thompson to Lincoln
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@colleencirocco - Trumbull from Waverly to Tyler
- Waverly from Thompson to Trumbull
final list
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@colleencirocco Roll Call:
Ash-Shafii: nay
Martin: aye
Manica: aye
Robinson: nay
Thomas aye
Motion passes
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@colleencirocco Now onto 10A:
Roll Call:
Ash-Shafii- no
Martin- no
Manica- yes
Robinson- no
Thomas- yes
Motion failes
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@colleencirocco 10B:
Roll Call:
Ash-Shafii- no
Martin- no
Manica- yes
Robinson- no
Thomas- yes
Motion fails
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@colleencirocco The final line item:
Apply for Detroit Area Agency on Aging Grant Opening April/May 2024
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@colleencirocco Roll Call:
Ash-Shafii- yes
Martin- yes
Manica- yes
Robinson- yes
Thomas- yes
Motion passes
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@colleencirocco This concludes the agenda at 9:54 p.m. and we are opening the floor for final public comment.
Martin wants to know if a resident question can not be included in the 2-minute time so that their full comment can also be heard
Thomas said the "edges will bend when we can"
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@colleencirocco 1: said she was surprised to learn the city will have a city manager long after Square leaves. She also said it's inappropriate for Manica to approach an applicant to say they aren't a good fit.
Manica tried to respond but Thomas said she must do so in writing