DHC Board of Commissioners

Detroit Housing Commission

Location unavailable

Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85638792233?pwd=Skg1eDNqcHNzRDVjR2R6QjBOdldsUT09

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team

Note-taking by Perry Sylvester

FY 2023 DHC Annual Plan PHA Plan Significant Amendment is out for Public Comment until May 30; Superior Contracting Group receives more time and money for repair projects at Sheridan I & II

Live reporting by Sherrie Smith

FY 2023 DHC Annual Plan PHA Plan Significant Amendment is out for Public Comment until May 30; Superior Contracting Group receives more time and money for repair projects at Sheridan I & II

Sherrie So Ultra @SherrieSoUltra
Great Morning! I’ll be live-tweeting the Detroit Housing Commission Regular Board Meeting for 4/27/23 at 10am for #DETdocumenters
@DetDocumenters Media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep
@metrotimes @MichiganRadio @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet

08:47 AM Apr 27, 2023 CDT

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The Detroit Housing Commissions’ Is tasked with providing quality affordable housing in a safe living environment for low and moderate income persons throughout the Detroit Metropolitan area. Find out more at their website: dhcMi.org
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Here is the agenda for today’s meeting.

It’s also available online at: dhcmi.org/sites/default/… https://t.co/Kr39Y1JtdT
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If you feel there are errors or corrections needed to these tweets or you have questions, please contact documenters@outliermedia.org
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Today’s meeting is being held in person at 1301 E. Jefferson Ave, Detroit, MI 48207 and can be accessed via zoom from the Detroit Housing Commission Website: dhcMi.org
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Did you know? https://t.co/klVDOGWkye
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Waiting to be let in to the zoom meeting https://t.co/rFAwtBK9bB
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Zoom has connected but there doesn’t seem to be any sound
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Sound began at 10:10am
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Secretary appointed to serve for the meeting
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Roll call completed and there is a quorum
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Motion for approval of the Agenda. Approved
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Motion for approval of previous meeting minutes. Approved
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Public Comments on Agenda Action Items instructions given. Comments will be limited to 3 minutes for individuals and 5 minutes for groups
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No public comments in the room. One hand raised on zoom
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Commenter stated they would like to wait until General Public Comments
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Only 1 action item on the agenda, Change Order 7 to Contact 3047 with Superior Contracting Group for more time and funds to paint approx 220 porches, install new windows and screens at Sheridan I & II
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$285,000 increase to contract and adding up to 239 days to end contract in July. This is Resolution No. 3189. Commission moved to approve, questions were asked to clarify the extension and amount. Commission Approved the resolution
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INFORMATION ITEM: FY 2023 DHC Annual Plan PHA Plan Significant Amendment is out for 45 day Public Comment from 4/20/23-5/30/23
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Amendment gives breakdown of unit sizes and counts for RAD request for Gardenview Estates. After Public Comment the amendment should come before DHC in May or June
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Executive Office. Discussed Infrastructure and having the right people at the table. Improving housing recertification, currently have score of 84.5%, previously 50-60%. Return on rent collection 67% is improving as well
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Parkside was acquired back from developers in 2022 and property is being assessed with multiple partners and KIP schools
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KIP schools wanted to purchase 24 acres at Gardenview, this was reduced to 15 acres
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Question was asked regarding the Environmental issues on the land at Gardenview. Phase I & II Environmental testing are being conducted Andrew remediation will be carried out once completed
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Workforce Development. Harriet Tubman, State Fair have job center. They have employed 17 residents so fair. Partnerships with Microsoft, HumanIT to help get residents connected to internet
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Finance. Submitted $2.1 million from HUD to cover YTD loss for the voucher program. Rent adjustments have increased, and the commission will meet with HUD on May 12th regarding short falls and additional funds
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Main factors of shortfall per F. Burris: DHC used HUD waivers and DHC is paying 120% instead of 110% that was budgeted for. Also, the DHC is catching up retroactive payments which is an increase in spending. HUD anticipated this and required a $3 million reserve being used
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1800 not recertified are still receiving payments. If tenants/landlords no longer qualify they must be given 30-60 days notice before they can be removed.
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Discussion of monthly losses and need to complete recertification to gain accurate numbers of actual spending and any accounts that need to be rectified
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Capital Improvements. No highlights
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Real Estate Development. No Highlights
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General Counsel. No Highlights
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Human Resources. No Highlights
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Information Technology. Staff Member off camera,but started timeline for IT improvements is being developed
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Procurement. No highlights
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Resident Services. No Highlights
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Public Comment instructions aloud
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Commenter, ZR, of Friends of Parkside, Program highlights & Programs discussed. Partnership with UofM. Graduates being celebrated today. Thankful for responsiveness with roof issues
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Commenter, FB, Resident of Harriet Tubman appts, would like to have grates removed from balconies. Concerns over cleanliness of grated and safety in case of fire. Other buildings downtown do not have grated. Started State Fair and Harriet Tubman are the only buildings with them
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President requested a deep dive of reasons for grates and potential consequences of removal
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Last requested commenter did not connect
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Meeting adjourned at 11:10am
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This concludes the Detroit Housing Commission Regular Board Meeting on Thursday April 27, 2023. For more meeting coverage, check out: detroit.documenters.org

Agency Information

Detroit Housing Commission


(313) 877-8000

See Documenters reporting

In 1933, the City of Detroit established the Detroit Housing Commission (“DHC”) under the Michigan Housing Facilities Act. Throughout the DHC’s 75 year history, our mission has been to provide safe, decent, and affordable housing for the low and moderate-income people that we serve. DHC is the largest owner of rental housing in the City of Detroit (“City”), providing approximately 4,000 housing units for seniors and families.

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