Return to Detroit City Council Formal Session
Live reporting by Heather Alder
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Councilmembers appointed Scotty Boman to the Board of Zoning Appeals; approved $210K in trash contracts and an increase in trash collection fees; approved redistricting map 6; voted to preserve the Belle Isle Boathouse; and postponed a vote on a $32K BolaWrap contract for DPD.

Heather P In The D! @HeatherPInTheD
Good Morning #Detroit !
I will be live tweeting the Detroit City Councils Formal meeting @ 10am for #DetroitDocumenters @DetDocumenters media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @media_outlier @metrotimes @MichiganRadio @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit

07:15 AM Feb 6, 2024 CST

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The meeting details can be found here-
Including how to attend the meetings, more information about the city council and its members…
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Here is the agenda for todays city council meeting:…
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IMPORTANT ::::If you believe anything in the coverage this morning is inaccurate, please email us at with "Correction Request" in the subject line.
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It’s almost time for the meeting!!!
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Waiting to the meeting to start…recording is in progress via zoom—
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Roll call..did not hear James Tate- Pres Pro Tem…all others present.
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Presentation about redistricting update-from Sherry Gay-Dagnogo-
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Sherry Gay advised Pres Pro Tem James Tate arrived-
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Some districts go across 3 counties- makes it hard for Congress person to fight for all constituents
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Auto issues- echos resolved
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Audio issues
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Redistricting commission found to have issues-
Heather P In The D! @HeatherPInTheD 16/71 for any citizens who want to get involved with Redistricting Committee meetings-
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Presentation completed- council members discussing with Presenter Sherry Gay- Dagnogo-
Fred Durhal giving thanks for her work-they served in state legislature together-
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Member Young discussing Redistricting-
When he was in state legislature lost 25% of population-
Redistricting process then was hard-more partisan than what people needed-feels upset redistricting committee didn’t stop partisanship.
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Sherry Gay-Dagnogo advised the Redistricting Committee was made of 7 inexperienced people and 1 person who they had to rely on- but person showed to try to run whole committee
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Back to agenda
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Going fast now- onto general public comments-!
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Mr Cunningham- has bus tickets and hand warmers and gloves for people-
Concerned about handicap spots during city meetings- only handicap spots blocked- should have more temporary handicap spots during events.
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Rueben X-
Detroit absentee ballot fraud massive- “all roads lead to the Board of Elections”-
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Jeffrey Jones- Hope Village Resident-
Discussing representation for his area due to redistricting-feels would be lacking if new districts
“Don’t forget about Hope Village”.
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Miss Burton-
Support Option 6 for redistricting-
Here is link to 2024 proposed maps-…
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32 callers raised hands!
Much about city district changes & a little on trash pick up
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Here are city proposed maps link-…
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From No New Ilegal Taxes!
No taxes for trash.
no money for Pistons -Gore-they need to learn how to win a game-
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Ruth Johnson- express’s concerns of redistricting in city -
Advised of missing files on agenda for some of the line items-
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Francis- called about trash collection survey- ok with $10 yearly charge for 3 yrs but what after that?
Would love solar power in her area (Fenkell Greenfield).
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Missing paperwork on agenda provided-
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Caller- Calling User 1 -
When going to introduce bills from locking people in their establishments….
Why not more announcements on evening meetings…more notifications.
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Caller Betty Varner-
Continued support of my community block club-
All maps move her neighborhood from city District
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Another caller advising many agenda items missing attachments-
Several callers advising of line by line objections and statements
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No more public comments
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On to the agenda—-
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Law dept spoke on this- stated it’s to make gift cards given to not expire and if I heard correctly, unused balances can be cashed out?
Unable to open file attached to this and it passed with all members voting for.
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Discussion on shredding contract- going to a Warren company- 1 Detroit business bid- scored the lowest-cost the highest- met with that company to get them to understand how to get these contracts.
Member Calloway said should see if can bring in house hire Detroiters.
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Was advised by department- member have over 5,000 boxes- Member Calloway advised department spokes person was from Colorado and may not have confidence Detroiters can do that job-ARPA $ buy equipment-
Doesn’t want our $ going to Warren, MI and mentioned how they treat Detroiters
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Member Pro Tem Tate speaking on members decorum.
Member Johnson asked Mr Hamont (?) Detroit companies they reached out to. explained the need of document shredding being a particular size.
Wants to get company names in Detroit so they can reach out to them &talk thru process.
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Mr Hammont (?) advised wants the lost for the city- been in. Michigan since 6 weeks old-
Member Calloway apologized.
Members Waters & Calloway nah on shredding contract (member Calloway also no vote on contract for a Troy company-).
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Appointing Scotty Boman to the Board of Zoning Appeals. - law department advised potential of conflict but that doesn’t mean can’t hold both positions-
Law department advised no conflict- approved.
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Support to not demolish the Belle Isle Boat Club-
Explore other avenues besides demolition.
Passed-by entire council-
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Discussion on Public Health & Safety reports and procurement request-
Pro Tem Tate has ? About process for demolition and collections.
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Member Calloway suggested garnishing with tax liens on property owners if they own other properties to pay for their demolition cost.
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Member Calloway asked Lajuan Counts how many privately owned properties for demolition on items 17.2-17.18…
Was advised they were provided that over the weekend- Member Calloway request for the public to hear, as they don’t have access—
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Lajuana’s Counts response was reading the item # and how many in each item was private or public…Member Calloway request possibly creating 2 list- Private and Public prop demo list-
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Member Benson advised supports demo due to blight and safety-
Mentioned study that showed 30-40 rapes/murders could have been prevented if blighted buildings demolished . Vote for demolition.
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Objections 17.1-17.8 from Members Santiago-Romero, Tate and Calloway.
Still passed
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Discussion on BolaWrap for the Police Department. – Contractor: Wrap Technologies, Inc. – – Contract Period: Upon City Council Approval for a Period of One (1) Year – Total Contract Amount: $32,083.44.-
Public comments discussed-
Detaining device- disabled community concerned-
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Member Pro Tem- Tate said he saw it used and said he wanted to see what it felt like. “I personally believe this is without a doubt a step up”.
Understands concerns while trying to improve-
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Member Durham advised he is chair of disability task force-
Out goal of to use lethal force-
DPD working with us in task force to work towards training for dealing with people with disabilities.
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***********Member Durhal
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Member Johnson request postpone while she learns more about it as she wasn’t aware of these Bolawraps.
Wants to meet with police.
Councilman Young—-
“A Bolawrap is better than a bullet.” Advised he recommended to the police.
Ok with postpone while other members learn more.
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Member Benson said ok to postpone BUT would rather have this brought up during committee than postponing again.
PRO Tem Tate ok for postponed- no objections-
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Numerous resolutions setting up meetings to change vendor contract dates and some
Easement request.
All passed
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New Business!
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Trash contract discussions-
Postponed for more outreach last week-
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DPW chair Brundidge -advised 2nd survey for public support of weekly trash/recycle/bulk pickup-
Most want & Responded 72% supportive of modest increase-
Got responses from all zip codes in city-
(Audio issues due to Chair being too tall for microphone).
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Discussions continuing on services and improvements needed, senior discounts & Ways to improve citizen awareness.
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With some rejecting, the waste proposals have passed-
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Discussion on the $10 per yr increase to get weekly pickups
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Member Young had several comments against the additional fees-
DPW disputed some of those comments.
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Council is voting on their map proposals-
Scoring them - options highest is score of 3 then next highest 2nd and next highest 1
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Map 6 is the one for the resolution 8 members voted for
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Council quickly going thru the rest of the agenda
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Meeting adjourned
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AGAIN—-IMPORTANT ::::If you believe anything in the coverage this morning is inaccurate, please email us at with "Correction Request" in the subject line.
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For more local government coverage go to
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Enjoy this shiny afternoon #Detroit