Return to Detroit Board of Ethics Special Meeting
Live reporting by Pamela Taylor
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The board opened an investigation into Antoine Bryant, director of Detroit’s Planning and Development Department, over improperly approved contracts for downtown murals.

PTaylor @ptdocsdetroit
What up doe! I’ll be live-tweeting today's Detroit Board of Ethics Detroit Board of Ethics Special Meeting at 10am for #DETdocumenters
media partners:

07:11 AM Jun 4, 2024 CDT

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Board of Ethics Website:
The Board of Ethics is an independent Charter created entity established by the 1997 City Charter.
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The Ethics Ordinance was enacted by the City Council in 2000 & established disclosure requirements and standards of conduct applicable to all City of Detroit Public Servants.  The Board is charged with the responsibility for the implementation and administration of the Ordinance.
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Board Members
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Board Members
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Be back @ 10a!
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The Board of Ethics is waiting on a quorum to begin the Special Meeting.
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Today's agenda:…
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Meeting called to order at 10:15
There is a quorum
Item #3 has been approved
Item #4 Public Comment: No Public Comments
Item #5 Review and Approval of the Minutes:
Minutes approved for A and B
Welcomed new members
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Item #6 Moved to the end of the agenda
At 10:19, the Board has gone into closed session to discuss Item #7 (A-K)
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While we're waiting:
If you believe anything in the coverage today is inaccurate, please email us at with “Correction Request” in the subject line
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Update: Item #H
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We're back
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The Board is now reviewing items discussed in closed session. The Board moved to accept counsel's recommendations for all items.
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Item #6: Request to open Investigation on Antoine Bryant for the city mural fiasco. Please see this weeks Outlier newsletter. He didn't go thru city council to get approval for the mural project.…
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Motion carries, investigation will begin
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Item #8
A. Welcomed two new board members
B. Admin Assistant job should be posted soon
C. Still working on new forms
D. Still working on the revisions
E. Still working
F. Send a letter to the mayor's office
Motion to send a letter to the mayor's office is approved.
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Item #9
A. Exciting time for ethics training. Council has approved money for a new system. Couldn't decipher the name of the system.
B. Meeting with Chief White was productive. There will be training for commanders and other leadership.
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Item #10
A. National Association of Govt Communicators
Received information about FOIA, AI, dealing with the media and press
B. Regional Ethics Conference-partnering with other communities like Eastpointe for an upcoming conference in the fall
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Meeting adjourned at 11:52 a.m. This concludes the Board of Ethics Special Meeting. The next general meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 18, 2024 . For more meeting coverage, check out