CPD Superintendent Search Public Forum #3 [remote]

Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability
Criminal Justice

Tuesday, April 25, 2023
6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. CDT

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This is the third of four public forums or town hall meetings, where the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability will collect public input on the search for a police superintendent to replace David O. Brown. The meeting will be held remotely via Zoom; register at https://bit.ly/42UNfeE.

For more information, visit this webpage about the search process and the CCPSA’s main webpage.

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Live reporting by Aryssa Burton

aryssa symone @aryssadocs 2/2

This meeting will be held virtually and is the third of four public forums where the CCPSA will gather public input in the search for a superintendent to replace David O. Brown.

Note-taking by Sarah Rose

Police superintendent search, Roderick Watson

Agency Information

Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability


(312) 742-8888

See Documenters reporting

In July 2021, the Chicago City Council passed an ordinance creating a new model for police oversight, accountability, and public safety. The ordinance creates two types of bodies: a citywide Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability, with power to advance systemic reform, and District Councils, which will be elected in each police district and work to improve policing and public safety in the district. The Commission and District Councils will bring police officers and Chicago residents together to plan, prioritize, and build mutual trust; strengthen the police accountability system; give Chicagoans a meaningful new role in oversight; and explore and advance alternative effective approaches to public safety.

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