Return to Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Live reporting by Leon Tai
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St. Adalbert's Church, Affordable housing, Cannabis dispensary

Good morning ☀️ I’m covering the commission on zoning, landmarks, and building standards. They’re currently taking roll call. @CHIdocumenters #chicago #buildings #zoning #development

10:05 AM May 24, 2022 CDT

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After deferring a few items, onto public comments. Seems there’s about a dozen speakers today.
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Several speakers spoke in support of down-zoning the St. Adalbert’s church at 1650 W 17th Street. This would preserve and protect it from demolishment as an irreplaceable, historic site for parishioners in the community.
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One speaker remarked that there wouldn’t be a need for constant city funding to maintain it - sustaining the church would pay for itself, since faith-based tourism is highly profitable.
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“These are the building blocks of social cohesion.” Many communities, especially immigrant communities, found a home and identity in this church.…
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One speaker advocated against down-zoning St. Adalbert’s, saying that it stunts other opportunities for development. He went on to say that Pilsen has lost residents and schools are under-enrolled, so the priority should be more developments instead of landmarking the church.
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The final speaker did not support down zoning this church, citing expense issues with the building falling apart, break-ins, and an incident of someone dying inside the building. #faith #chicago…
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Eric Wollan, capital assets manager at the Archdiocese stated that while he appreciates the sentiment for St. Adalbert’s, parishioners have had 3 years to come up with a viable resolution. It also requires massive investment (upwards of $25m for just repairs) that isn’t there.
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The legal opinion is that down-zoning would simply eliminate all further development rights - it would not make it public access, nor prevent someone else from buying it out. #chicago #saintadalbert #church #development #zoning #landmark
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Ald. Sigcho Lopez lamented that communication with the Archdiocese has been one-sided, and that the law dept did not raise any concerns. Lopez claims that they didn’t collaborate because the relevant departments were totally unresponsive.
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“Our commitment is to have an open process. […] Make no mistake, this is a proposal that will blind-side our community if it goes unchecked.” -@SigchoFor25
11 YES votes, 4 NO votes. It’ll be reported out to the next city council meeting on Wednesday.
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The commission then went through various change requests, sign post approvals, licenses, and other zoning and building applications. Most items passed, a few were deferred. Meeting adjourned at 2pm. #Chicago #zoning #Building #public #development
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Watch the full hearing here: