Return to City Council Caucus Meeting (IN-PERSON ONLY)
Live reporting by Rosie Palfy
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Council members learn about possible property tax relief for low-income households

Rosie Palfy @RosiePalfy
I’m at the @CleCityCouncil Caucus meeting for @cledocumenters & @signalcleveland. #CLEDocumenters has a team of 3 people here taking notes & live-tweeting.…

10:50 AM Mar 13, 2023 CDT

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A woman just finished a presentation about small business loans. I will provide more details later. This meeting is moving fast. Only 8 of the 17 council members are here. They’ve moved on to a 2nd present action about tax abatement.
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Ed Staukhausen (@ELStockhausen) from @CLEProgress is giving a presentation about a tax abatement study. More council members have arrived.
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Ed Stockhausen is telling council members how the program can be successful for low-income homeowners.
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I have never seen a slide presentation move this fast. It is tough to keep up as I take screenshots. I’m going to post photos now & fill in the details later. @CleCityCouncil did not provide a detailed agenda.
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Ed Stockhausen from @CLEProgress discusses the Triennial Impact on Residential Value.
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I apologize because I cannot read the title on this slide.
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A lot of acronyms are being used. They’re discussing Ohio House Bill 1 & how it impacts Cleveland homeowners.
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Another slide that I cannot read. Ed Stockhausen is doing an interactive exercise with council members.
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The discussion moves on to how Property Tax Relief could be used across @CuyahogaCounty communities.
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Ed Stockhausen finished his presentation. He’s going to email it to me. I will share it with my fellow Documenters. Council President Blaine Griffin announced that they would take a break while they wait for lunch. The food arrived & @Griff4CLE6 said their break will wait.
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Up next is Jason Powers from Cleveland Neighborhood Progress. He discusses @CLEProgress’ Strategic Alignment.
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Correction: The slide above ⬆️ explains the Maturity Model Development Process.

The slide below ⬇️ addressed @CLEProgress’s Strategic Alignment.
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The presentation moves on to What is Community Development in Cleveland? The discussion includes neighborhood development, community engagement & quality of life.
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The thread🧵continues here.…
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Jason Powers from @CLEProgress leads a discussion about what people are asking community development corporations (CDCs) to do. He shares a slide with 1️⃣4️⃣ examples.
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Here’s a closer look: Only 3️⃣ activities are eligible for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding. Those boxes have check ✅ marks next to them. They fall under neighborhood development: business technical assistance, home repair & rehabilitation.👇
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The 1️⃣1️⃣ ineligible activities have an ❌ in their box. 3️⃣ fall under community engagement — organizing & empowerment, communication & events. Other areas include marketing, city engagement, business attraction, placemaking, pre-development, etc…
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The big takeaway is that Community Development Corporations cannot be everything to everyone. The presentation clarified why CDCs cannot meet all the needs & wants of residents, city council members, neighborhoods, & businesses.
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The final slide covers the historic funding of CNP + CDBG. I believe CNP refers to Cleveland Neighborhood Progress, but I’m not 💯% sure. As a reminder, CDBG is Community Development Block Grant funding.
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Presenters from Cleveland Neighborhood Progress (@CLEProgress)

- Tania Menesse – President & CEO (@tmenesse)
- Edward Stockhausen – Senior VP of Advocacy & External Relations (@ELStockhausen)
- Jason Powers – Senior VP of CDC Advancement & Resilience
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As promised, I’m circling ⭕️ back to fill-in the details. Thanks to @ELStockhausen for sharing his presentation. Here’s a re-cap of today’s @CleCityCouncil Caucus meeting👇
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Here’s how taxpayers pay for displacing low-income homeowners:
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There was a lengthy discussion about Ohio House Bill 1. The proposed legislation would create a flat state income tax & make major property tax changes. If passed, the tax cuts would reduce funding for schools & local governments.…
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The discussion transitioned into a dialogue about a property tax relief proposal. It’s a “permissive model” based on existing law. Below is a summary of the property tax relief proposal.👇
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Council members discussed the property tax relief proposal & advocacy opportunities.
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The meeting adjourned at about 1:45 pm. This concludes my coverage of today’s Cleveland City Council Caucus meeting.

Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to @cledocumenters. Or email us at