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Live reporting by Roshaun Harris
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Gary Brown says Governor Whitmer has pledged $25M this year and another $40M next year to the Lifeline Plan.

Roshaun Harris @roshaun_harris
I will be live tweeting the Detroit Board of Water Commissioners Meeting at 2pm. @DetDocumenters @media_outlier

12:56 PM Feb 15, 2023 CST

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For more background information on today's meeting follow the link…
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Live from the Detroit Board of Water Commissioners meeting. The meeting has started.
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You can follow this meeting on zoom:
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Community members state that they're concerned that residents receiving benefits are using too much water.
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Board members have calculated the amount of life sustaining water usage based on data provided to them via community organizations.
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The board states their goal is to make Lifeline Program better by addressing arrearrage problems.
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Community members says there is a need for more in-data on Lifeline Programs. Ask Board if 400 cases being processed a week is an accurate assessment.
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Many community members are reluctant to enroll in Lifeline program due to past negative interactions with the DWSD according to public comments.
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Board states there goal is to process 1000 applications per week. Says they will hire additional people to address the backlog of applications.
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Gary Brown is speaking on behalf of the board in regards to backlog response.
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Board approved Consent Agenda items 9A-F.
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Jan 30th 2023 Governor Whitmer signed for $25 million in supplemental budget funds for Lifeline program.
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On February 8, 2023 the Governor announced her Fiscal Year 2024 budget plan which includes $40 million for water affordability.
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DSWD prioritizes fire hydrant repairs starting with priority one which are critical areas near hospitals and schools as well as clusters of outages.
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According to Gary Brown the board is applying for every grant available for repairs on broken sewerage lines.
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Board discussed active shooter training in light of events at MSU. Says we must be proactive on controlling guns.
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Meeting is adjourned at 3:11pm. Please visit for any further updates on today's proceedings.
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Please add any corrections or addendum to this meeting via @DetDocumenters
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Interview with Director Gary Brown
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Interview with Director Gary Brown