Return to Board of Police Commissioners
Live reporting by Dan Ignacio
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Hernandez says all candidates for board secretary and chief investigator have been screened; will present top two to board.

Hello, hello: At 3 p.m. I’ll live-tweet the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners (BOPC) meeting for #DETdocumenters. 🧵

@DetDocumenters media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @media_outlier @metrotimes @PlanetDetroit @wdet.

12:59 PM Dec 1, 2022 CST

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👀 Police commissioners will consider placing five police officers on administrative leave.

Join this meeting online, by phone or in person:…

More notes, recordings and archived materials:…

📎 Agenda:…
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⏮ The last BOPC meeting we covered:…

Ashley live-tweeted it:…
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🗞 Detroiters are suing the city, alleging that contracts for ShotSpotter were improperly approved, violating a local ordinance. The contracts total $8.5 million. Activists have criticized the surveillance system as unreliable. From @MCmuckraker:…
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Police oversight officials no longer expect to resolve a backlog of citizen complaints by the end of this year, despite earlier statements. Over 1,000 complaints were filed against Detroit police officers this year so far. From @BryceHuffman313:…
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❓The Board of Police Commissioners oversees the @detroitpolice. They decide DPD’s budget and policies, review complaints, and discipline officers. The commissioners meet weekly. Seven are elected, four are mayor-appointed.…
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Your Board of Police Commissioners (and the district they represent):

• Bryan Ferguson, chair (1)
• Annie Holt, vice chair (at-large)
• Linda Bernard (2)
• Cedric Banks (3)
• Willie Bell (4)
• Willie Burton (5)
• Lisa Carter (6)
@RicardoDetroit (7)
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Your commissioners, continued:
• Jesus Hernandez (at-large)
• Jim Holley (at-large)
• QuanTez Pressley (at-large)
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🚩 Need image descriptions? Reply and I’ll provide them to you.

Something inaccurate? Email with the subject “Correction Request.” I’ll add corrections at the end.

I’ll be back 3 p.m.!
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The online meeting is open and staffmembers are singing along to some music.
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⌚️ At 3:00 p.m., the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners meeting begins! Interim Secretary Melanie White reviews some meeting protocols Chair Ferguson calls the meeting to order. Chaplain Ronald Franklin leads the invocation prayer. #DETdocumenters
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Boardmember Bernard asks for more seats to be placed in the meeting room for the audience — others say they’re working on it.

👤 Roll call! Commissioner Carter submitted an excused absence. Didn’t hear from one other commissioner. Interim Secretary White says we have a quorum.
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The board approves this meeting’s agenda and the previous meeting’s minutes.
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Police Deputy Chief Mark Bliss is here in place of Police Chief James White. Bliss introduces himself… but White arrives right after that.
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Along with BOPC staff and DPD staff, are special guests: Fredia Whitler, Second Precinct Police Community Relations Council President; Mark Young, Lieutenant and Sergeant Association; Ron Thomas, Detroit Police Officers Association; and former police commissioner William Davis.
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📝 At 3:04 p.m., the board proceeds to the BOPC officers’ report. Chair Ferguson recites a statement regarding the police killing of Porter Burks and the dropped charges against the involved officers, and affirms the need for mental health resources.…
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He highlights the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
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Correction: There were no charges against the officers involved in the killing of Porter Burks, and thus no charges were dropped.
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Chair Ferguson says the 4th Precinct may lose Crisis Intervention Team members when teams across the city are “centralized.” …
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He says there will be a committee report from Commissioner Hernandez later this meeting. Interim Secretary Melanie White says Commissioner At-Large Pressley has arrived.
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A commissioner says the room is “jam-packed.” The board pauses to help people in find seating. Ferguson: “This is the biggest crowd I’ve ever seen.”
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📝 At 3:16 p.m., the board proceeds to the Chief of Police report. Police Chief James White talks about the Crisis Intervention Team: …
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“We have a limited number of officers in our crisis intervention training. … CIT is a tool. It is not the solution to mental health crisis in Detroit.”
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Moving on, Chief James White says he does not support permanently attaching complaints to police personnel files as it may “empower folks to make false allegations” and “hurt that member for years to come, even beyond law enforcement.”
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However, Police Chief White says complaints should be attached to “management awareness files.”
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Commissioner At-Large Holley asks, “if CIT is not going to be the pancea … who should we be looking for solutions to this problem of mental health?” …
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Police Chief James White points to legislators, medical professionals, mental health courts… Holley asks, “So nothing is happening?” James White pushes back.
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“Police are the police, and when they get there and there’s a gun and a knife and all these other things, they are trained to react to those things. They have a right to go home at the end of the day.” …
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James White says the city is missing a mental health hospital that can keep patients beyond 72 hours.
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Commissioner Bernard pushes back against the argument that complaints should not be on police personnel files. She compares to other workplaces: “Everything you do in your career at a particular employer is in your personnel file.”
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Police Chief James White says the board should have another meeting to discuss citizen complaints and police personnel files. Commissioner Bernard tries to get a point in, but Chair Ferguson shuts her down. …
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James White says the Office of the Chief Investigator does keep citizen complaints. Ferguson says this is correct.
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Commissioner Burton has arrived.
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Police Chief James White quickly reviews crime statistics and significant police response incidents.
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Here’s one more daily crime statistics report, from Nov. 21:
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One of the significant incidents include a woman who was identified by Dearborn police using a license plate reader. They were suspected of being involved in a missing persons case. In a police chase, they fled in a car, crashed and committed suicide.
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Commissioner At-Large Holt congratulates DPD for their role at the downtown Thanksgiving parade. However, she wants better communication regarding the centralization of Crisis Intervention Teams. Police Chief James White says most CIT officers will be staying in their precincts.
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Commissioner Banks says, “It’s a blessing to see this place jam-packed like this, for the officers to get that type of support.” The board will consider promoting several officers in rank in this meeting.
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Commissioner Bernard again asks about citizen complaints not being included permanently in police personnel files. She again compares this to HR practices at private employers. …
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Bernard says since the police department is a multi-million dollar operation, “you’re essentially a business as well.”
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Commissioner At-Large Holley asks what DPD and the board can do regarding mental health. He sounds distressed. “Help me with this.” Holley says there are so few beds at shelters, yet so many police calls. …
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“What can we do as a board? Sit around this table? And all we do is just ask the same dang questions every Thursday, and people still die.”
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Commissioner Burton pushes back on the criticism against Police Chief James White for the police responses to mental health incidents. “I just wanted to say that, you know, I actually agree with Chief White’s strategy.” …
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He also says, “His plan seems to be working, moving in the right direction.” Burton speaks approvingly of the officers up for promotion today.
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“We should not be tearing down the chief, we should be supporting the chief right now. … A lot of this, you know, mental health came from John Engler. That’s who we should be pointing the forward to. He’s the problem.”
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Someone says “good job” to Commissioner Burton for his supportive remarks.
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👉 The board proceeds to the officer promotions. Chief James White assures the board that he has vetted each officer.
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Chief James White is recommending these officers to be promoted. Boardmembers wonder where one of them is… they’re in active military service. The board quickly approves the promotions and applaud the officers.
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Correction: They approved promotions to the rank of lieutenant. Now moving onto sergeant and detective promotions.
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Promotions to sergeant and detective have also been approved.

A boardmember asks what training these promoted officers will receive. Chief James White says they will attend an orientation to review expectations and will take a leadership course.
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The board will be invited to the graduation ceremony for these promoted officers. Commissioner Bernard asks when they will receive raises. Chief James White says the officers will receive the new contract raises following graduation.
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📣 At 4:07 p.m., the board proceeds to hear public comments!
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Commenter James calls for unity and wants a response to car drivers running red lights, recalling a former judge being hit by a driver. …
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“You’re gonna have your relatives outside of Detroit telling you that they don’t want to come and visit you. You’re gonna have insurance companies leaving the city.” Commenter James wants license plate readers.
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Sharon has a complaint about their neighborhood police officer in the 11th Precinct. “They have been ineffective” in dealing with a neighbor. “The officers that come on site, they try to play us like we’re crazy, like we should just ignore it.”
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“I do not want Chief White having a press conference about something tragic that happened on my block involving me and my family.”
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Lieutenant Mark Young, police union leader, demands the board the remove exonerated complaints from police personnel files. “If you don’t support removing those exonerated complaints and if you keep any records of them, shame on you. Shame on you.”
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President of 4th Precinct Community Relations is disheartened by a lack of communication regarding the centralization of Crisis Intervention Teams across the city. She says it was “hurtful” to receive that news and hopes for better communication in the future.
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Bernie congratulates the promoted police officers. However, they say that their daughter is leaving the city since she feels unsafe. …
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“I love my police department here, but I want the people here in the city to know we need to stop” the shooting. “This is something I blame the parents on.”
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Eric Blount, minister at Sacred Heart Church, criticizes the board’s conduct. He disapproves of the board receving crime data, but no reports of police misconduct, which the board is supposed to consider. …
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Blount also says there is a lack of police transparency, saying that the need to file Freedom of Information Act requests for officer-worn camera footage is a barrier. …
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He also calls out Commissioners Bernard and Ferguson for wearing what appeared to be police badges at press conferences.
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Vicki Shah, a resident who is scheduled to present to the board in January, reads her review of the board’s attendance at NACOLE. She stresses the collaboration with block clubs, activist groups, faith-based organizations in police oversight.
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Scotty Bowman says he’s concerned about how the board approved of the police union contract. He also applauds Commissioner Bernard for her concern regarding police personnel files.
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The board calls upon commenter Brenda, but she does not speak.
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The last commenter says, “this board can and should be doing more as it relates to mental health, and they could also be doing more with elected officials.” …
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They want a “comprehensive mental health agenda” that involves the police and other agencies, and for the board to meet with congressional representatives and the governor’s office.
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✉️ At 4:30 p.m., the board proceeds to communications as reported by Interim Secretary Melanie White. She mentions the closed sessions that will happen in this meeting for the board to consider placing several officers on administrative leave.
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Communications included regular reports of facial recognition and ShotSpotter usage by DPD. A report regarding mental-health related calls is also included.
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🧳 At 4:36 p.m., the board proceeds to unfinished business. They hear a very short HR Personnel Training Committee report from Commissioner Hernandez. He says they’ve reviewed all candidates for the board’s vacant positions. (Board secretary and chief investigator?)
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Correct, these candidates are for board secretary and chief investigator. Commissioner Bernard if all interviews have been conducted. Two candidates per position will return for a second round of interviews. …
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Commissioner Bernard vouches for a candidate with “extremely impressive credentials.” Hernandez asks Bernard not to speak on his behalf and wants this to be a conversation for another time.
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⏪ I didn’t document the announcements, but during that part of the meeting, Commissioner At-Large Holley says he will be absent at the next meeting.
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💼 At 4:31 p.m., the board proceeds to new business. We’re about to go into closed session: The board will consider placing five officers on administrative leave. …
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1. Cpl. Sean Bell, 12th Precinct

2. Officer Kory Dombrowski, 4th Precinct

3. Sgt. Marvin Anthony, 12th Precinct

4. Officer Julio Sinawi, 12th Precinct

5. Officer Joshua Stewart, 12th Precinct
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Commissioners unanimously approve going into closed session. They will reconvene to vote on placing these officers on administrative leave.
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🔒 At 4:44 p.m., the board goes into closed session. I’ll still be here when they come back.
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⏪ Here’s the BOPC meeting schedule for this year, referenced in Announcements.
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That feeling when the screen flickers for a second and you think they’re back in open session… but they aren’t.
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Still in closed session.
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The board is still in closed session.

⏪ Curiously, this week’s ShotSpotter usage report from DPD is missing a number of guns recovered last week in the 9th Precinct. No guns were recovered in the 8th.…
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It has been more than one hour since the Board of Police Commissioners entered closed session.
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It has now been 90 minutes and the Board of Police Commissioners is still in closed session.
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An hour and 45 minutes. This is the longest I’ve waited in a closed session with the BOPC.
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To make sure the meeting is still happening, I called BOPC’s phone number. It’s past business hours, so nobody answered.
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.@andreamsahouri tells me she got confirmation from BOPC staff that the meeting is still in session.
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@andreamsahouri It has now been two hours since the Board of Police Commissioners entered closed session. They have yet to reconvene and vote on placing five police officers on administrative leave.
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@andreamsahouri FYI, the BOPC’s phone number is 313-596-1830. Not saying to call them now, but it’s there just in case someone’s wondering.…
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@andreamsahouri Two hours and 15 minutes — the board is still in closed session.
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@andreamsahouri After two hours and 30 minutes — yep, the board is still in closed session.
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@andreamsahouri Still waiting for the Board of Police Commissioners to reconvene after two hours and 45 minutes. Will we hit the three-hour mark?
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@andreamsahouri It has now been three hours since Detroit police commissioners entered a closed session to discuss placing five police officers on administrative leave.
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@andreamsahouri If placed on leave, the officers would go without pay but retain medical benefits. Four of the five officers are in the 12th Precinct.…
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@andreamsahouri We’ve received confirmation that the Board of Police Commissioners meeting is still in session. The online meeting still looks the same.
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@andreamsahouri The police commissioners still need to reconvene the meeting to vote on placing these officers on leave before they adjourn.
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@andreamsahouri Three hours, 15 minutes.

I honestly didn’t foresee it taking this long.…
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@andreamsahouri Three hours, 30 minutes. The Board of Police Commissioners has yet to reconvene from its closed session.
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@andreamsahouri A flickr on the screen. We have picture in the BOPC meeting room, but just for a moment.
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@andreamsahouri 🔓 At 8:17 p.m., the board returns from their closed session. They vote to reconvene.
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@andreamsahouri Commissioner At-Large Holt moves to support the police chief’s recommendation to place Cpl. Sean Bell on administrative leave. Holt mispronounces Sean Bell’s name a few times. Holley questions whether this is the police chief’s recommendation — yes.
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@andreamsahouri The motion fails. Commissioners Bernard, Bell, Holley, Pressley and Burton vote against. Burton pauses at length before voting. Sean Bell will continue to receive pay.
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@andreamsahouri Now voting on whether to support placing Officer Kory Dombrowski on leave. Discussion: Commissioner Bernard says, “This man needs help. That is clear, and he cannot get that help unless he has a job.” The motion is adopted, despite Bernard and Burton voting against.
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@andreamsahouri Now voting on the administrative leave of Sgt. Marvin Anthony. Holt, Bernard, Burton, Moore, Holley, Pressley vote against — the motion fails.
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Chair Ferguson says they will not vote on the administrative leave of Officers Julio Sinawi and Joshua Stewart. Interim Secretary Melanie White says the officers are now requesting for their matters to be heard in an open session.
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⏱ At 8:26 p.m., the board votes to adjourn the meeting.

BOPC’s next meeting will be next Thursday, Dec. 8:…
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That’s my live coverage of this Detroit Board of Police Commissioners meeting. Thank you, so much, for following along. It makes it all worth it.

For more local meeting coverage, check out
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Read these tweets on Mastodon ( @civicDetroitDan/109439905626953492' target='_blank'>
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Updates and corrections may follow below. Thank you and good night!