2024 Tow Rate Commission — IN-PERSON ONLY

Detroit Office of the Auditor General
Criminal Justice

2 Woodward Ave Detroit, MI 48226 (Directions)

Coleman A. Young Municipal Center (CAYMC), Suite 310

See source website below for flyer with a description of this commission. This is our first time documenting this agency.

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team

Note-taking by A J Johnson

Commissioners approved following industry standard weight guidelines for light, medium and heavy-duty tows. They will resume their discussion on storage and disposal rates for boats, trailers and RVs at the next meeting on Aug 29 at 1 p.m.

Live reporting by Sherrie Smith

Commissioners approved following industry standard weight guidelines for light, medium and heavy-duty tows. They will resume their discussion on storage and disposal rates for boats, trailers and RVs at the next meeting on Aug 29 at 1 p.m.

Sherrie So Ultra @SherrieSoUltra
It’s Thursday and I’ll be live-tweeting the Detroit Tow Rate Commission Meeting at 1:00pm today, August 22nd for #DETdocumenters @DetDocumenters Media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @Michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit

11:29 AM Aug 22, 2024 CDT

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The meeting is only able to be attended in person. Here is a list of upcoming meetings and the meeting location
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The meeting is yet to begin as there were a few technical difficulties
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Meeting attendees have a large binder for the meeting there are no printed agendas or documents and there don’t seem to be many copies of the binders to go around
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The meeting was moved from its original location to the Dexter Conference room in suite 308
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Meeting called to order at 1:12pm
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Roll Call was taken and there is a quorum present.
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The first item to discuss was a review of the minutes from a Special Meeting from August 15, 2024
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Here is what the book attendees are allowed to follow along in looks like
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Approval of the minutes from last weeks meeting were tabled pending receipt of corrections from Commissioner Adams
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CHAIR REMARKS - Laura Goodspeed Has reached out to City Council re: a Sept 16th presentation. Also asked that media visitors not include proposed rates as they are not approved by Council yet
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🗣️ PUBLIC COMMENT 🗣️ Each speaker will have 2 minutes to speak
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In-person Commenter from Troy’s Towing asked that the commission take into consideration info previous submitted re: towing boats, RVs and non-regular tows and to consider rates for using drying agents
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In-person Commenter from another towering company thanking the commission for working in improving tow rates
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Now the commission is discussing the categories and rates for towing, it was stated that the commission has but been agreed on the medium-heavy duty rates
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Commissioner Adams suggested: Less than 10,000lbs = Light Duty 10,000-33,000 = Medium Duty Over 33,000 = Heavy Duty
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Commissioner Goodwin suggested that the commission follow the guidelines of the Towing Recovery Association of America
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Commissioner Goodwin’s suggestion Less than 10,000 = Light Duty 10,000 a 26,000 = Medium Duty Above 26,000 = Heavy Duty
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The current guidelines show 10,000lbs of less = Light Duty 10,001 - 60,000 = Medium Duty 60,001 and Above = Heavy Duty
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Commissioner Goodspeed stated that the commission will only support vetted standards and guidelines because current rates do not have any support or rationale.
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A motion was made to accept the TRAA guidelines suggested my Commissioner Goodwin. The motion was passed 3-1, with only Commissioner Adams opposing
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The next category for discussion is Boats, RVs, and Trailers, which have pricing based on length.
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Multiple commissioners have raised questions in how to classify boats and trailers, either by weight or length
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Commissioner Adams motioned that RVs be classified under the vehicle category. The motion passed unanimously
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Boats, and Trailers, which have pricing based on length. The proposed pricing categories 16ft and under = Light Duty 17ft - 24ft = Medium Duty Over 24ft = Heavy Duty
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Commissioner Adams suggested raising the minimum length of the tow to 20ft. Commissioner Goodwin asked that the towing companies represented in the room speak to this issue.
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A representative for Troy’s Towing informed the commission that because of the length of different weight towing trucks, it impacts the trucks the towers send. Light duty tow trucks go up to 19ft, medium duty trucks go up to 22ft, and heavy duty trucks go up to 32ft
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After much discussion a motion was made to have a flat fee for Boats and Trailers instead of categorizing them as light, medium or heavy. The motion failed. The discussion will resume at the next meeting to include the flat rate suggestion
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Disposal of boats and trailers if currently being handled by Remove, Recycle, ReMarket LLC. Commissioner Adams reviewed the fee schedule showing what the city currently pays for disposal.
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Towers in the meeting stated that they have previously had to store and dispose of unclaimed boats and trailers and had no means of being reimbursed. Commissioners Adams stated that the majority of boats and trailers towed by the city are never claimed
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There are representatives from at least 5 towing companies in the meeting
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The Commission reviewed the last two categories of Miscellaneous and Out-of-Town
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NEW BUSINESS. Review Comparison of the 2021 and 1984 Towing Rate Ordinances. One item Chair Goodspeed highlighted is that if the Commission fails to give a recommendation by October 1st City Council can set the rates without any recommendation.
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One commissioner asked if a vehicle is sold for more than the city’s costs, is the owner reimbursed. Comm. Adams stated that process from vehicle sales must pay: 1. Storage, 2. Towing, 3. Admin fee, 4. $40 fee with $25 to State of MI and $15 to the city, 5. Treasury returns owner
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NEW BUSINESS. Discuss need and proposed dates Code Special Called Meetings. The commission voted to meet next on August 29th at 1:00pm
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There were no Commissioner’s Reports
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Meeting adjourned at 2:54pm
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If you feel there are errors or corrections needed to these tweets or you have questions, please contact documenters@outliermedia.org
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This concludes my live-tweeting of the 2024 Tow Rate Commission Meeting for 8/22/24. For more meeting coverage, check out: detroit.documenters.org

Agency Information

Detroit Office of the Auditor General


(313) 224-3101

See Documenters reporting

The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) promotes the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of City government and protects against fraud, waste and abuse by conducting independent audits, investigations and evaluations. The OAG adheres to governmental standards of the auditing profession; and promotes an atmosphere of mutual trust, honesty and integrity among OAG staff and the clientele. The OAG performs audits of each City agency and prepares written reports which convey the resultant audit findings and recommendations to the City Council, the Mayor and the management of each agency.


No documents available

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2024 Tow Rate Commission — IN-PERSON ONLY

Detroit Office of the Auditor General

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1:00 p.m. EDT

2024 Tow Rate Commission — IN-PERSON ONLY

Detroit Office of the Auditor General

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024

1:00 p.m. EDT